(Oct. 28, 2012 2:06 PM)dragondrone Wrote: [ -> ]I brought my Flame Byxis to a tall guys house.
...Am I really the only one who gets this? Byxis' tall spin track...
You, sir, are a genius.
Bought Dragoon F and V2 to fight my friend's Galman when we started High School XD
Since I don't live near a Toys'R Us, when I went to one, I took a few beys and string launcher, just in-case I ran into same blader there or there was a tournament...there wasn't....

I bring my bey everywhere for no particular reason
Beyblades were banned at our school in the third grade but we brought them anyway. We even got one person to carry our vortex stadium in his coat to gym.
So far. The bathroom, but I hope to bring a few of them on a trip, speaking of which, has anyone taken their beyblade on a plane trip as a carry on? Cause I want to take my beys on the aforementioned trip but want to know if airport security lets them go through. (I don't feel this was a good question for the AaQGaA thread)
I guess it would either be the library, or the bathroom.
(Feb. 12, 2013 12:05 AM)Jblader14 Wrote: [ -> ]Beyblades were banned at our school in the third grade but we brought them anyway. We even got one person to carry our vortex stadium in his coat to gym.
Tht must have been fun i bring my beyblades to school and at lunch there people selling them and buying them stealing them, when im unprepared to gym i battle in the corner
(Feb. 13, 2013 7:16 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.fenland.gov.uk/media/image/e/...arch_4.jpg There's one of these at the park near my school me and a few pals are gonna start using that as our stadium!

There's one of those in a park near me !
Haha, they're epic XD
although, they're plat at the very bottom, so it wouldn't work to well - too steep a slope.
(Feb. 13, 2013 7:24 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb. 13, 2013 7:16 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.fenland.gov.uk/media/image/e/...arch_4.jpg There's one of these at the park near my school me and a few pals are gonna start using that as our stadium!

There's one of those in a park near me !
Haha, they're epic XD
although, they're plat at the very bottom, so it wouldn't work to well - too steep a slope.
Haha it works fine I tested it with Storm Pegasis to be honest it is similar to a Zero-G stadium plus it allows multiple players to battle!
(Feb. 13, 2013 7:34 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb. 13, 2013 7:24 PM)Luck Wrote: [ -> ] (Feb. 13, 2013 7:16 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.fenland.gov.uk/media/image/e/...arch_4.jpg There's one of these at the park near my school me and a few pals are gonna start using that as our stadium!

There's one of those in a park near me !
Haha, they're epic XD
although, they're plat at the very bottom, so it wouldn't work to well - too steep a slope.
Haha it works fine I tested it with Storm Pegasis to be honest it is similar to a Zero-G stadium plus it allows multiple players to battle!
I can see it now !
"Zero-G Tag Team Format!"
On a more serious note ; I still do not see how something that heavy could act like a zero-g stadium just because of one or two beys in it ...
I mean, it could spin a bit , but nowhere near as much as an actual zero-g stadium.
(Feb. 13, 2013 7:16 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.fenland.gov.uk/media/image/e/...arch_4.jpg There's one of these at the park near my school me and a few pals are gonna start using that as our stadium!
Id expect you to get in trouble if someone saw you spinning tops in that if it were at a park.
(Feb. 13, 2013 7:16 PM)Tysonblader009 Wrote: [ -> ]http://www.fenland.gov.uk/media/image/e/...arch_4.jpg There's one of these at the park near my school me and a few pals are gonna start using that as our stadium!
Thats really epic. It looks a lot like the stadium at BeyPark. I would like to go there someday.
Yeah you are right it doesn't sway nearly enough as a Zero-G Stadium but it's still a good public stadium
I doubt we would it's hardly dangerous
It does look like the BeyPark stadiums doesn't it I think they have them in like at least one park per city in the UK you could search for them in the country you live in
I took out beys out my pockets while riding the metro.
i bring my beys every where EVERYWERE!!!!!!!! it dont matter must have with me at all times. get really mad without one
lol diving in the pool, i shoot it into the pool where it sinks and I have to find 3 of them at the bottom in 1 breath
(Feb. 18, 2013 3:25 AM)diablocrown Wrote: [ -> ]i bring my beys every where EVERYWERE!!!!!!!! it dont matter must have with me at all times. get really mad without one
Same here, school, going to get some groceries, basically everywhere.
i brought my bey in the bathroom and a grosery store and i thought it was really funny
Hmm, I brought my beyblade to school and launched it when it was recess.
once i took my beyblades to a party and played their .haha
(Feb. 18, 2013 5:00 AM)JCx06 Wrote: [ -> ]lol diving in the pool, i shoot it into the pool where it sinks and I have to find 3 of them at the bottom in 1 breath
I take it you tend not to apply stickers ?
I brought my beyblades on a plane, and played with a random person sitting next to me.