World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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This would not be the first game to grapple with the effects of technological advances in equipment on the state of the game...

Yup. Golf is a good example of this. Club head size, the shape of the grooves, dimple patterns on the ball etc. Golfers are now able to hit longer and straighter than ever, and while no-one doubts that the pros have real ability, they also have it easier thanks to better equipment. For a while, they tried to just mess with the course layout, make holes longer, fairways narrower to compensate, but many of the old courses can't be changed.

So what have they done? Started to ban certain items in pro competition. Which is where you appear to have gone also. It's a little easier in golf since PGA doesn't have an interest in manufacturing. Much trickier with beys since Tomy runs with WBBA, so they're not likely to be banning their new uber beys in competition even in the WBO does. Seems like leagues deliniated by series might be worth petitioning for.

My kids have just started playing, so I really don't know much here, but even among the few we have you can see how utterly outclassed some are by the newer types.
Well, when you think about it, originally the problem was Basalt, right? Nothing could stop it, that's kind of like how it is now.

They're producing beys that cannot be stopped and going into a new-line, they were already originally doing this. Just to a lesser extent.
i agree with you we have already spent £100+ and we cant keep spending this much just to win!
If you do not buy more products, the company cannot progress... besides, the issue this thread was discussing has, in my mind at least, lessened to the point of obscurity - we know have a MUCH more diverse metagame, and in such a short period of time...
Maybe TT could find a way to do things that wizards of the coast has done with mtg, where only the newest products are used for this one current format, and formats of past times. This way, TT could go crazy every time and have the change of season or year ban them if mistakes are made. Ex. In 2015 beys A and B, released in 2014,and C and D, released in 2015, dominate the metagame. So far, A and B are undisputed best and are the best mfb released, as C and D have a 30% win percentage against them.Then, 2016 rolls around and most of beys A and B "rotate" out of the format. Now, C and D are the new A and B, except for Q. Q was horrible against A and B but countered C. Now Smart bladers who bought Q are rewarded for quick thinking on previous releases.

I like this system for being able to outdo power beys and having to not out release everything and forcing players think ahead
Well, we have bad eggs in every era, so simply using a set of new products in a completely different format won't work.
Look at 4D now. With Duo & Co. around, Scythe is down with fever...
Look at Season 2 now. Maximum Series KILLS things.
Look at Season 1. Probably the most balanced era, but Lightning dominated to an extent (but not too much)
Look at Metal System. Libra's back, and with Libra around, nothing's good for Metal System.

So, that basis for classification isn't the best. Smile
If you meant to say something else, and you think it is worthwhile, feel free to expand on your points. Smile
No, the purpose I had thought of was not having TT continually outdo itself trying to balance things out.Secondly, I just thought the rotating would take out beys a piece at a time, so they are easier to beat without banning. Isn't earth cancer bd145cs easier to beat than basalt cancer bd145cs?Eventually, all of bey A from above will be rotated and disallow it and another mistake to be in at the same time. This also gets players to buy new no.1 beys vs. the oldA
Earth Cancer BD145CS is easier to beat, yes. But, do you think with that rotational policy, people will even tend to choose Earth over some other more viable options, even if they are of a different type?
From what I understood, you'd be shifting a certain type/combo of bey through different eras. So should Earth Cancer reach 4D, and other top tier 4D Defense/Stamina parts are out of the picture, you say that people will use those, right?
But any sensible blader would instead choose a VariAres over Earth, so that he can at least win...

If this is not your concept, then I am sorry. Smile
But looking at the way you explain it, it seems to be highly complicated; which people probably wouldn't like. Smile
Lately, there's been no real problem in the meta as far as 4D beys are concerned. Stamina/Defense kings have been overthrown by Flash already, and everything's in balance atm(unless Flash becomes available to more and more people and dominates, as I do not see any combos beating Flash recently). Smile
I need to get Flash soon because I don't want another MW destroying the metagame. There are already too many! Pinching_eyes And Janstarblast, I don't think we are at the conclusion that Flash has already overthrown the Def/Stm. Kings yet, time will tell for that. :\
Flash is not going to destroy the metagame. In fact, it helps to balance out the presence of Duo and Diablo which have hurt attack badly.
I remember having quite a large pool of parts, then I took a small break from beyblades, now literally the only competitive part I have left is basalt, bleh guess I've got some catching up to do.
(Mar. 05, 2012  7:00 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Flash is not going to destroy the metagame. In fact, it helps to balance out the presence of Duo and Diablo which have hurt attack badly.

Similarly, 1 person's solo attack tests shouldn't be taken as gospel anyway. These things take time to be replicated and validated.
(Mar. 05, 2012  8:27 PM)Arupaeo Wrote: [ -> ]
(Mar. 05, 2012  7:00 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Flash is not going to destroy the metagame. In fact, it helps to balance out the presence of Duo and Diablo which have hurt attack badly.

Similarly, 1 person's solo attack tests shouldn't be taken as gospel anyway. These things take time to be replicated and validated.

This is based on a number of people's results, enough to guarantee it is at least "good" at attack.

As for beating flash attack, it will probably just require using riskier combinations, probably Diablo-Based anti-attack combos or something. Considering I found the pre-flash metagame extremely dull, I would be glad to see it do well in attack.
That is just what I meant to say guys!
I said that everything in in Balance atm, thanks to Flash.
But yes, a part of my post seems to be missing out on a few words, and I think I still need to adapt to this Swype feature...
I meant to say, Flash has.brought things into a balance, and should there be a.disorder, I.e. If 1. Flash turns out to disrupt the balance by proving out to be stronger, or 2. The Meta relapses to the former DefensenStamina domination, which would.come to light only if more people get it. Smile
Sorry for the major typo!
'Sok, swype takes a bit of getting used to. Fiddle with the settings and make sure you have the newest version at all times.

I was, however, replying to MFB Mad Master, haha.

I see Flash bringing balance back to the metagame, well, our "preferred balance", anyway.
@th!nk- About Swype, that is so.true!
Also, even I was.replying to MFB Mad Matter!

Back on topic, if Flash continues to perform just as well as its doing now; neither better nor worse, then we have achieved the desired balance as of now.
I did not read every single post in this thread so maybe some1 has said something along these lines. I have seen this happen time and time again in competitive games of this sort.
I have played a bunch of card games that this always happens to. I think a great way that they deal with it is by creating a ban list or a block list , and I will explain what that means.
Yugioh has a ban list where cards get to over powered or combos become to over powered so they ban them, sometimes forever but usually until something comes out that can balance the game out. I personally prefer how Naruto deals with this. Naruto has a Block list where certain pieces are taken out of the game for a certain period of time to balance out the game or change the meta for a short period of time. The pieces later on come back into circulation, which is great because it gives a chance for new ideas and combos and old parts to be useful. then when they come back they reprint them or u are lucky enough to still have your old ones. I understand it is different from a card game and beyblades arent produces as often or as much , but something along these lines does work and keeps the game exciting with change every 5-6 months or so on. I dunno its just a idea that ive seen work out nicely
We already have a ban list, however, we do not rush to use it (for good reason).

I don't think there is an issue with the game right now, thanks to what I've seen of Flash.
well what do u think about the block list idea one, and im sure there will be a problem eventually if flash does not fix it.
As I said, we already have one, it is just empty. It's a lot easier to say "ban some parts to make it even" than to actually look through all the repercussions of banning parts, weigh up the pro's and con's, perhaps do some trial tournaments to see how it goes, and then decide whether or not to actually ban it.
yeah im well aware I dont know how they figure what to ban. I do know sometimes you have great cycle of things they block, and sometime u have a decent one. I must say it is fun cuz it keeps u on your toes and people start to create new combos
People should be working on combinations to counter whatever is dominating, if they cannot, then only then is intervention truly necessary.
yeah but the problem is we are having to counter almost everytime a new bey comes out, eventually we will have far to many obsolete pieces
(Mar. 06, 2012  9:30 AM)BlackHeart1216 Wrote: [ -> ]yeah im well aware I dont know how they figure what to ban. I do know sometimes you have great cycle of things they block, and sometime u have a decent one. I must say it is fun cuz it keeps u on your toes and people start to create new combos

This is a suggestion that we would have considered for MFB if Zero-G had not come out and beyblade went into hiatus. As it stands though, there is plenty of diversity and new things coming to the game, so we will likely let the game develop on its own for the time being.
(Mar. 06, 2012  9:52 AM)BlackHeart1216 Wrote: [ -> ]yeah but the problem is we are having to counter almost everytime a new bey comes out, eventually we will have far to many obsolete pieces

MFB releases are done, and the current metagame has a fairly huge amount of viable combinations, compared to when this thread was made.
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