World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [London, United Kingdom] Elite Five
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The Elite Five

The Elite Five/E5 is a new Beyblading team located in the UK, specifically London, immediately built to challenge the other top teams in London. If your team/representative would like to challenge us preferably at a tournament, you are most welcomed to do so, as we are already competitively challenging teams and will continue to do so. Team Triple ThreaT has disbanded and has been recreated as the Elite Five.

Remember: E5 is not currently recruiting members or plan on recruiting any members, so please do not ask/PM any of the members to join. There are many other teams available which you may want to apply to. If it turns out that a space does become available, we will contact you.

Hell Kid


Member Rankings:
BeyJun - World Rank 54th/UK Rank 8th/Youngest WBO Blader at 4 years old.
Hell Kid - World Rank 2nd/UK Rank 1st
ControL_ - World Rank 4th/UK Rank 2nd
ThePokeBlader - World Rank 12th/UK Rank 6th
BeyHyperKiLLer - World Rank 93rd/UK Rank 11th

The Elite Five Tag-Team Record:
Wins: 2
Draws: 0
Loss: 0

- The Elite Five Vs Team Galaxy Storm / E5 wins 2-1
- The Elite Five Vs Team Hell Hounds/ UK AllStars / E5 wins 2-0

Team Points Average: 1273
- Higher than UKAS
- Highest average points total
- To be updated

Any questions/queries, please contact ControL_
WOW! This is going to be a great team! Anyways i heard Bladestorm would be in this team, in his return.
Nice team Grin
I wonder who the 5th member is o.O
(Whom i kiddin' ......)
nice team like the name Smile
Yayz, the thread is finally up Grin
Yay finaly! the thread is up so are we going to have a team banner?
What happened to Team Triple Threat?
(Oct. 10, 2011  4:59 PM)ThePokeBlader Wrote: [ -> ]Yay finaly! the thread is up so are we going to have a team banner?
In due course it will be up. The 5th member will be announced very shortly.

(Oct. 10, 2011  5:16 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]What happened to Team Triple Threat?
I thought that it was a great history, but a fresh start would be better.

Triple ThreaT was mainly for BeyJun, Bladestorm, and myself however now I have made a less restricted team to start fresh.

Since the team matches have already gone under way, BeyJun the leader remains as leader to minimise actual leading and keeping the team stats.
Makes sense, even though I am certain you are writing his posts but using a 4-year old as a figure head is definitely different! :V
I don't see a big deal with teams, but whatever, good luck nonetheless!
Hmmm... I think I know who the fifth member might be...
LOL... so do i...
its Hell Kid
wow! all the members in the team is strong.
(Oct. 10, 2011  5:38 PM)BlazingFire Wrote: [ -> ]its Hell Kid
No its not... its in Ahmeds signature...
its i think Down_SyndromKid645
(Oct. 10, 2011  5:38 PM)BlazingFire Wrote: [ -> ]its Hell Kid

Thats what I thought...
Some one just tell PLease i cant stand it
(Oct. 10, 2011  5:44 PM)BlazingFire Wrote: [ -> ]ok
its i think Down_SyndromKid645
How the hell do you think that guy is in this team! It's pretty obvious ThePokeBlader wouldn't just reveal it like that!
I can't be bothered to find Ahmed's sig...
ooo I Didn't know jheeze keep your knickers on!!!!
u were right the first time
E5 is proud to announce its 5th and final member to complete the team.

As some may have spoiled the surprise already, please welcome Hell Kid to E5.
omg i really did not no!
ORLY?! o.0 i did not know thats a surprise nice having hell kid again Grin
(Oct. 10, 2011  5:22 PM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]Makes sense, even though I am certain you are writing his posts but using a 4-year old as a figure head is definitely different! :V
I don't see a big deal with teams, but whatever, good luck nonetheless!
What is a "figure Head"?
Is it just like Bey Brad using Blader DJ or is it really Beyjuns thoughts?

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