World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Florida, USA] Any tournaments in Florida???
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by the way im 9
i'll come if my dad says yes oh by the way i'm 11
Unofficial/unapproved tournaments cannot be advertised on the site, it is parasitism. Hopefully you understand.
Eh my post disapeared
Yes, obviously if we cannot allow advertisement of an unapproved tournament, anything related to it will be erased as well.
Oh it was weird because it just magically disapeared and I would like to make a tournament but do you know how to put in the points
The Committee is always the one who processes battles, and the Beypoints get exchanged automatically.
YES METEO L DRAGO CAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey guys, I'm a professional, since I get paid to Beyblade, and I would like some people in my videos. i'm going around Orlando/Florida in general to find people that are better than me. So if anyone wants to battle, E-mail me at

I am new to this forum but i am in miami if a tournament does get started around this area how would i be able to find out about it
im 13. Since the metal masters series finaly came out in america ima try and get some brand new beys. and can anyone please explain storm capricorn to me i got 1 it sucks monckey B***R on a stick
(Sep. 25, 2011  4:55 AM)lolzskillet Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, I'm a professional, since I get paid to Beyblade, and I would like some people in my videos. i'm going around Orlando/Florida in general to find people that are better than me. So if anyone wants to battle, E-mail me at

people get paid to beyblade 0.o.....AWESOME IMA BE PRO ONE DAY!!!
anyways, that's cool. as i was saying, PM me if you wanna battle

(Sep. 27, 2011  1:45 PM)soul Wrote: [ -> ]im 13. Since the metal masters series finaly came out in america ima try and get some brand new beys. and can anyone please explain storm capricorn to me i got 1 it sucks monckey B***R on a stick
(Sep. 25, 2011  4:55 AM)lolzskillet Wrote: [ -> ]Hey guys, I'm a professional, since I get paid to Beyblade, and I would like some people in my videos. i'm going around Orlando/Florida in general to find people that are better than me. So if anyone wants to battle, E-mail me at

people get paid to beyblade 0.o.....AWESOME IMA BE PRO ONE DAY!!!

So does anyone live in fort myers or cape coral area? I might e going down to that area in nov or dec. So I would want tO host an event possibly.
Well I can see if I can come
(Oct. 05, 2011  5:44 PM)Dark_Mousy Wrote: [ -> ]So does anyone live in fort myers or cape coral area? I might e going down to that area in nov or dec. So I would want tO host an event possibly.

mY BDAY IS in november,It might be getting cold,as u know in FLOrida there are liike 2 weeks of winter with super cold-ness(Not compareing,Just in general)
So i sugggest the first or second week of november Or 3rd at most.
IM just tryin to see if there would be any interest. I cant make any promises just yet. Ill let you guys know in the next few weeks.
Ok hope you host one
i'm going to try a make a get together oh by the way ur gonna need to beat my screw capricorne and meteo l drago Wink
i live in miami anybody near
I am going to try to make a tornament by november or december so expect something
I live in jacksonville fl and im realy itching to battle someone worth my time
My name is phoenix new on here but no new to beyblade i want to be the best beyblader in the world but i cant do not if theres no decents compition so anybody in florida i chalenge you to a beyblade match if you have a team its ok cause i have a team to so we can have a team battle the name of the team is beydynasty never forget it and never forget to LET IT RIP
I chanlege you to beyblade battle team vs team me vs you it doent mater this goes to every body out there lets let it rip ps in florida lol
Will there be a tourney in Hollywood or Hallandale Fl soon? I battle in the Hollywood and Hallandale area. I also beyblade alone. Kind of like Kai did.
Would anyone be willing to go to a tournament in Naples or Fort Myers
(Nov. 09, 2011  1:49 PM)the4anime Wrote: [ -> ]Would anyone be willing to go to a tournament in Naples or Fort Myers

i would be willing to go if somone could set it up
Maybe if instead of everyone saying how they want to battle somone so bad we can start talking ideas for a tournament
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