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Full Version: HELL Minute Molds
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I have the 4 minute mold, tested with Hell Kerbecs BD145DS(TT). It spun for 4 minutes and 16 seconds Tongue_out
I know im sorry for the revival but i just got a second Hell Kerbecs and i did a couple of tests. My old one is mold A3 and my new one is A1

I did A1 and I didn't match up Kerbecs with BD145 and i got average 2:55
I did A1 and I matched up Kerbecs with BD145 and I got average 3:30
I already knew my A3 mold spun 2 mins but i tried it with my kerbecs,BD145,and DS from my 3 minute mold and i got average 3:25 is this normal or what?
After looking at the pictures and information, my Hell mold must be Picture-3 which is said to have a 3 minute spin time.
But after spin tests, it's definitely not a 3-minute mold.

TT Gold Hell
(Unsure if it's "japan ver.", I can post pictures of the box it came in if necessary.)
(Sep. 30, 2011  10:44 PM)Stratus G. Wrote: [ -> ]After looking at the pictures and information, my Hell mold must be Picture-3 which is said to have a 3 minute spin time.
But after spin tests, it's definitely not a 3-minute mold.

TT Gold Hell
(Unsure if it's "japan ver.", I can post pictures of the box it came in if necessary.)

If you had read throughout the thread, you'd realize that molds are by no means determined from their stamps / reinforcement points / maker. It is completely random. The picture in the OP is an example of this; it is not how you described it. The stamps etc are not indicating anything.

On a lighter note, it does seem that you have the 4-min mold. Congratulations.
Great, just got a "Hades" Kerbecs yesterday and did some tests: (Yay got a TT Attack stadia)

Average: 2.38
What a disappoint thought i got a 3 min Mold. Unhappy
That is interesting. I wonder if Hasbro Hades is not affected by the minute mold at all, and just generally spin for 2+ minutes, or the same minute mold is applicable for them also.
I always wonder why so many people get a big range in the time for the exact same test? I notice it a lot and mine are all within 10-15 seconds, whereas people get 1 minute variations from one launch to the next.

It is a mystery
(Oct. 30, 2011  5:23 AM)Shabalabadoo Wrote: [ -> ]I always wonder why so many people get a big range in the time for the exact same test? I notice it a lot and mine are all within 10-15 seconds, whereas people get 1 minute variations from one launch to the next.

It is a mystery

Consistency is a muscle memory and muscular tension stability issue. You have a well-trained physique.

Someone with noodle arms is not always going to have exactly the same muscle tension on a launch, nor the same wrist stability.
(Oct. 30, 2011  5:19 AM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]That is interesting. I wonder if Hasbro Hades is not affected by the minute mold at all, and just generally spin for 2+ minutes, or the same minute mold is applicable for them also.

Hmm... I have a dent and lump on the side of my BD145... Wonder if this affects the spin time..
(Oct. 30, 2011  5:19 AM)Uwik Wrote: [ -> ]That is interesting. I wonder if Hasbro Hades is not affected by the minute mold at all, and just generally spin for 2+ minutes, or the same minute mold is applicable for them also.

Sorry to revive an old thread, but seeing as there was only one test with the Hasbro version, and it looks like Hades will continue to be top tier in the Hasbro meta for a while, I figured it would be slightly relevant.

I have two Hades wheels that I tested. The first was bought when it was first released (and is heavily used), and the second was bought recently (used maybe twice). I am assuming they are from different waves based on what was on the shelves with them when they were bought. There are no "A" stamps on them that I can find. There are 8 reinforcement points and they are all equally spaced. All tests were done in boost mode, with the same CW, face bolt, BD145, and DS (these are all from the newest HK, and have barely been used). Beylauncher L/R (just launcher, no grip, etc.) and TT attack stadium. With both, there was a small amount of movement at first, but they settled in the middle fairly quickly.

Old HK

New HK

I feel confident that if I practiced my launch a little more, that I could have come extremely close to the 4 min mark, especially with the older one. Sorry there are only 3 tests a piece, but I didnt have much time after work yesterday. Hope this helps!

Just for fun,
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