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Full Version: HELL Minute Molds
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(Jul. 25, 2011  7:28 PM)th!nk Wrote: [ -> ]Basically all 6 of mine (2 Hell Kerbecs, 4 RBV7) are from 3:30 to 3:56. I've got a few A1's and A'4s and one A3. That was just from single spin times, because man, 6 solo spin measurements are boring as hell.
Had to, sorry. Continue on topic, please.
My kerbecs is coming... But my attack stadium has holes in it so if i test , can i test it in a super vortex? Btw nice find and thanks for the results!
Oh wow! I never knew we had a thread for this. I am planning on buying a TT Hell Kerbecs, so this would be really helpful. I will post my solo-times if I am allowed to.
Well, I have a TT Magnestadium. Would it do if I test the solo spin time in that?(I am 99% sure the answer would be no)...
(Jul. 27, 2011  4:42 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Oh wow! I never knew we had a thread for this. I am planning on buying a TT Hell Kerbecs, so this would be really helpful. I will post my solo-times if I am allowed to.
Well, I have a TT Magnestadium. Would it do if I test the solo spin time in that?(I am 99% sure the answer would be no)...

By the way, that stadium cannot be made by "TT", because back then Takara had not fused with TOMY yet ...

For us to have uniform results, it would be better if they were indeed all done in the same stadium.
(Jul. 27, 2011  9:14 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Jul. 27, 2011  4:42 PM)Janstarblast Wrote: [ -> ]Oh wow! I never knew we had a thread for this. I am planning on buying a TT Hell Kerbecs, so this would be really helpful. I will post my solo-times if I am allowed to.
Well, I have a TT Magnestadium. Would it do if I test the solo spin time in that?(I am 99% sure the answer would be no)...

By the way, that stadium cannot be made by "TT", because back then Takara had not fused with TOMY yet ...

For us to have uniform results, it would be better if they were indeed all done in the same stadium.

True. Its TAKARA, as you said. Sorry, I thought TT and Takara were one and the same, so instead of writing the long T-A-K-A-R-A, I just wrote TT. Smile
Well, its OK then... Thanks Kai-V! Smile
Well, sorry for reviving this thread(and double posting), but I wanted to confirm this as I just got HK, the original Gold Version by TT.
I tested the solo spin time in the above mentioned stadium. I am sorry to have done that, but I just have that stadium...
About the stamps thingy, I have the A1 stamp, and the circles are placed in the way shown by Uwik's pic for the A1 wheel.
I got all times between 2:35 - 3:00.
Unfortunately, I don't even have access to a BeyLauncher, so all tests were done by LL and LL2.
I know I am constantly breaking the rules, i.e. not following any of the conditions listed in the thread, but please forgive me as I don't really have access to Beylaunchers and TT attack stadiums. Unhappy
So, does this mean its a 3-minute mold, or a 2 minute mold? According to the spin time, it has to be 2-minute mold, but I am sure that timings might change on using a beylauncher...
: It's hard to say for certain which mold you have. It's best when tested under uniform condition. Of course, in your case, it's understandable. I would, however, assume it's the 2 min mold, maybe with a very slim chance of it being a 3 min mold (although, highly doubtful).
Well,if a Beylauncher has more power than LL or LL2,and hes getting between 2:35-3:00,it probaby would be over 3 mins,so wouldn't probably be a 3minute mold?
I never tried this, but I don't think beylaunchers can give extra 30+ seconds on solo spins in comparison to LL, and definitely nowhere near that when compared to LL2, despite being more powerful. I could be wrong though.
Is it possible that because we're testing hell with BD145, that there's BD145 molds as well or instead?
Or has that been tested individually?
Yeah, I thoroughly tested BD145. The difference is miniscule. It's not enough to be categorized with their own molds as well.

Different Hell molds when tested with different tracks and different bottoms will still yield different results (it could give 3, 4, 5 min results, or 3, 3, 4 min results etc) Testing Hell BD145 DS is the easiest way, since it is straight out of the box for the starter, and RB7s also have those parts as well. Testing with this combination basically what gives the mold the title.
Ah, finally! 3:42 solo spin time! Seems like I had to straighten the rip cords a bit... Smile
Well, thanks Uwik! Smile
But yes, even I had similar queries like Shabalabadoo.
Ahh. Good for you! I never knew straightening the ripchord would make that much of a difference. Cheers.
Well actually, I am really scared while using a launcher. So I don't launch with full power... But this time, I built up courage and pulled out the rip cord with full force! Actually, straightening the ripcord increased my confidence, as now there was no chance of breaking! Because the ripcord wasn't straightened, it sometimes got stuck within the launcher. So, I didn't put full power in that. But now, Rejoice! I have a 3 min mold!!!
This surely helped me .Nice find.
I got 3:05 to 3:25 solo
& it was Takara Tomy HK
MFB attack stadium although hell has lost most of it's color & DS=DSF(worn out) looks like I got
A three minute mold
Dumb question, but we put the BD145 in Boost Mode, right?
Ans also, is there a list of what stadiums you can use for this, or can you use any stadium?
Hell Kerbecs BD145DS (TT Gold Hell, Japan ver.)

Does this mean i have a 4 minute mold?
Qwerty:-Of course,Boost mode,or do you want it to go scrape,scrape.Any stadiums should be fine,this is solo spin.
BladingSpirit5:?I thought you can't use that?It must be at a good condition.
madmuppet:-You are lucky.Yes,you got the 4 minute mold.
UwikConfusedince BD145 has mold variations,why don't we test it with other tracks that do not have other molds?BD145 mold variations do effect the results.
(Aug. 30, 2011  11:38 AM)Whatzzer Wrote: [ -> ]UwikConfusedince BD145 has mold variations,why don't we test it with other tracks that do not have other molds?BD145 mold variations do effect the results.

There is a minuscule difference so there is no BD145 mold variations.

You should use the attack stadium when getting solo spin times as it is easier to compare to everyone else , but it doesn't make that much of a difference if you don't use one.
What if i have hell but no BD145?
(Aug. 30, 2011  12:04 PM)Shika blade Wrote: [ -> ]What if i have hell but no BD145?

Simple, you can't test. Smile
Did some tests with my new SK Booster Hell Kerbecs
I guess it's a 3 Minute mold.
Has the A4 Stamp and has the same circle patterns as pic 4.
Yay! Got new HK, recorded the time got 3:21, 3 min? Smile
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