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I don't even bother trying to understand it.

Just go with the flow.
Quetz, L-Drago, Pisces, and Escolpio Tongue_out
Pegasis, leo, l-drago, virgo
libra and cancer x)
(Aug. 26, 2009  12:44 PM)theflightyellz Wrote: [ -> ]If anything round here is ridiculous, then it's flame Libra, why would your scales be on fire!?
Chocked_2 Scale Crazy!
Libra is usually shown as scales or this.
Did that answer your question. Pinching_eyes_2 lol
LDrago. I might make a sticker of it and put it on a Metal Face. Metal LDrago FTW!
If anubis counts, that face is pretty friggen cool.

Other than that, I like Pisces.
Fav Faces are probably Quetzal ( both) Pisces, Pegasis and Aquila
Aquario, Aries and LDrago.
(Aug. 27, 2009  4:16 AM)ReallyRandomTJ Wrote: [ -> ]
Chocked_2 Scale Crazy!
Libra is usually shown as scales or this.
Did that answer your question. Pinching_eyes_2 lol

I know why Libra is scales, the point of it was "why does earth go with aquilla", the metal wheel has absolutely nothing to do with the clear wheel name.
Probably could have worked this out if you'd actually read what both me and Brad had said Tired
(Aug. 27, 2009  4:16 AM)ReallyRandomTJ Wrote: [ -> ]
Chocked_2 Scale Crazy!
Libra is usually shown as scales or this.
Did that answer your question. Pinching_eyes_2 lol

Libra in mythology was scale of the undead its skeleton scale anime also to think balance it is balanced to opposite fiend skulls good bad and represent the balance of judgment
my face hmm
Sorry to ask, but what kind of creature or horoscope symbol is that supposed to be?
(Sep. 26, 2009  1:02 AM)theflightyellz Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry to ask, but what kind of creature or horoscope symbol is that supposed to be?

it looks like a plate of nachos
It's a Pikachu in a red cape. Duh.
Just to bump this thread. I'd say my favorite is aquario.
Are you serious it looks more like a sandshrew with red hair.
(Sep. 26, 2009  1:17 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]it looks like a plate of nachos

this exactly ^ but my fave is both quetz or phoenix .
Phoenix or Cyber Pegasis are my favs
Sagittario's is pretty cool, but I really like Pisces and Aries as well.
Mine is now Earth Aquila
I like Sagittario, and i'm also a fan of yellz's Fissure if that counts.

And that thing at the top of the page, a shiny Groudon. Duh.
My Favorite is between Sag and Pisces.
My least favorite is The Poison Serpent face
i like aquila, aquario, and cyber pegasus's faces :]
Storm pegasis' face is my favorite one.
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