World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Toronto, Ontario, 4/30/11] BEYBLADE CRUSADE Recruitment Session: 2
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(May. 01, 2011  10:30 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]He kept winning so much, so he decided to sit this one out. Haha.

LOL, I wouldn't say it was because I was "winning so much"! I just decided that it would be nice to take a break for once.
I know when Kei is done editing the video it will be awesome. Beyblade is like the best!
(May. 01, 2011  10:37 PM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  10:30 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]He kept winning so much, so he decided to sit this one out. Haha.

LOL, I wouldn't say it was because I was "winning so much"! I just decided that it would be nice to take a break for once.

Dear god, I missed the tournament Kei sat out? Wow. FML. Seems as if you all had some good fun, congratulations Xman. I was worried when I saw the standings, but now it all makes sense.
i dont think i have ever battled with kai so manny good bladers in toronto lol
(May. 02, 2011  1:28 AM)Dan Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  10:37 PM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  10:30 PM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]He kept winning so much, so he decided to sit this one out. Haha.

LOL, I wouldn't say it was because I was "winning so much"! I just decided that it would be nice to take a break for once.

Dear god, I missed the tournament Kei sat out? Wow. FML. Seems as if you all had some good fun, congratulations Xman. I was worried when I saw the standings, but now it all makes sense.

Thanks Dan, you should of came, it was so fun. Anyways will you be at the next Session?
JesseObre has posted some footage from the tournament on his Youtube channel!
Results have been processed!
You dun goofed Scott!

My record at Recruitment Session 2 was 3-2 which would put my overall WBO record at 50% win ratio. Yet somehow I've actually lost more battles (and I lose well enough by myself). I was #7 on the list for the round robin matchup in the block with FlameDragon, Pyro, !!!, and other people who I've rudely forgotten...

Edit: Reading this over, and jeeze I suck at this game so much...
(May. 04, 2011  1:58 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]You dun goofed Scott!

My record at Recruitment Session 2 was 3-2 which would put my overall WBO record at 50% win ratio. Yet somehow I've actually lost more battles (and I lose all by myself). I was #7 on the list.

Craappp! D:

Do you know who you won/lost against exactly?
I bet !!!, and Pyro. I can't remember the other kid I bet. I know I lost to FlameDragon, but I honestly can't remember anyone else in my group...
(May. 04, 2011  2:02 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]I bet !!!, and Pyro. I can't remember the other kid I bet. I know I lost to FlameDragon, but I honestly can't remember anyone else in my group...

Okay, I've realized that I forgot to input your win against TheMaskedBlader. Are you sure you beat !!!? 5 (!!!) is clearly circled on the sheet here. What I was going to ask you was, did you beat ElJihado? It's a bit weird on the sheet ... 7 and 11 have a huge circle around them, then it seems as if 11 (ElJihado) is circled as well, so I figured that he had beaten you.
ElJihado probably bet me, lol. And yeah, I bet !!! - FlameDragon and I had this confusion at Dufferin Park as well, and when he tallied up the final scores he originally put me down as 2-3, before !!! and I corrected him to show that I did beat him. I distinctly remember using Lightning L Drago CH120RF against some Stamina or Defense combo (which I believe was Burn based with some black track that reminds me of Battle Strikers) he was running and going 3-0.
(May. 04, 2011  2:09 AM)To Wrote: [ -> ]ElJihado probably bet me, lol. And yeah, I bet !!! - FlameDragon and I had this confusion at Dufferin Park as well, and when he tallied up the final scores he originally put me down as 2-3, before !!! and I corrected him to show that I did beat him. I distinctly remember using Lightning L Drago CH120RF against some Stamina or Defense combo (which I believe was Burn based with some black track that reminds me of Battle Strikers) he was running and going 3-0.

Hmm, okay. I believe you, but we should confirm this with FlameDragon and !!!. Could you try contacting them and tell them to post here?

And, since the match between you and TheMaskedBlader was the last in the block and neither of you went on to the top eight anyways, I was able to just add it without reprocessing anything else.
Yeah To actually beat me
(May. 04, 2011  8:38 PM)!!! Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah To actually beat me

Okay, thanks. Smile
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