World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Toronto, Ontario, 4/30/11] BEYBLADE CRUSADE Recruitment Session: 2
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(Apr. 05, 2011  12:53 AM)Bbonitah Wrote: [ -> ]i would like to join but im still thinking

(Apr. 05, 2011  3:06 AM)IPWNU Wrote: [ -> ]i will go but if i cant i will let you know

Guys, just post when you're 100% sure you can come.
Anybody selling anything on the tournament?
put me on the list i will be THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe
I might come so just tell me wat i need to come and i will try my best to come!
Hey, um, I really am sorry that I couldn't make the last tourney even though I said I would come. I'm absolutely sure ElJihado and I will be able to make this one and would like to be put on the attendance list if possible.
... k i dont want to sound like a sped or anything (even though i am lol)

but why is this session 2 if its before AN?
(Apr. 06, 2011  2:10 AM)b.demonsreturn Wrote: [ -> ]... k i dont want to sound like a sped or anything (even though i am lol)

but why is this session 2 if its before AN?

Uhh ... there is three Recruitment Sessions planned, and this is the second one?
(Apr. 06, 2011  4:15 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 06, 2011  2:10 AM)b.demonsreturn Wrote: [ -> ]... k i dont want to sound like a sped or anything (even though i am lol)

but why is this session 2 if its before AN?

Uhh ... there is three Recruitment Sessions planned, and this is the second one?

but isent this before AN?
coz im pretty ure april is before may
wait lemme go check... k ya its before may
(Apr. 06, 2011  8:30 PM)b.demonsreturn Wrote: [ -> ]but isent this before AN?
coz im pretty ure april is before may
wait lemme go check... k ya its before may

... Yo, stop typing, move away from the computer, and think about the word "recruitment". You will see how seriously stupid you sound right now ...
(Apr. 07, 2011  1:41 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 06, 2011  8:30 PM)b.demonsreturn Wrote: [ -> ]but isent this before AN?
coz im pretty ure april is before may
wait lemme go check... k ya its before may

... Yo, stop typing, move away from the computer, and think about the word "recruitment". You will see how seriously stupid you sound right now ...

...k thats why i said i dident want to sounf stupid also im sped meaning im like special ed
so im considered to be stupid so yea.. srry not trying to use that as an excuse though
ill be there as flufy
sign me up shantel
ill be there Bbonitah
Ah, just noticed that the 30 Blader limit has been reached! REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! Grin
(Apr. 07, 2011  11:04 PM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]Ah, just noticed that the 30 Blader limit has been reached! REGISTRATION IS CLOSED! Grin

I have a really strong impression that several of them will not come though. Will you do a short "reserve list" ?
(Apr. 08, 2011  12:30 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]I have a really strong impression that several of them will not come though. Will you do a short "reserve list" ?

Yeah, I suppose that is a good idea. But, I will warn people right now that this time around, if you sign up as a confirmed attendee and do not show up, you will receive a warning, and also will be banned from participating in BEYBLADE CRUSADE Recruitment Session: 3.

If you weren't able to get a spot, please post and I'll create a "Reserve List" as Kai-V has suggested.
plz put Summonkeep3 on the list
Edit: the reserve list
should be good kei =P
Reserve plz, if I'm accepted could I get an email or sumthing?
(Apr. 19, 2011  1:02 AM)Quinafred Wrote: [ -> ]Reserve plz, if I'm accepted could I get an email or sumthing?

We won't know until the day of the tournament, sorry. D: But I would say your chances of getting in are pretty likely; no matter how much I emphasize not to sign up if you're not 100% sure you can go, there will always be someone on the list who doesn't show up!
will there be any rewards for the winners
Prizes, a Face booster, and the right to choose somebody to "face" against in Beyblade Crusade will be awarded to winners.

Everybody gets Quest for Quetz Credits and beypoints.
Its going to rain on saturday, is it going to be held inside some where?
at the tournament can someone please fix my beylauncher (won't retract)
(Apr. 21, 2011  1:29 AM)Bbonitah Wrote: [ -> ]Its going to rain on saturday, is it going to be held inside some where?

You mean this Saturday? Well, yes it seems like it will be. But this tournament is on the 30th, not the 23rd.
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