World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Toronto, Ontario, 4/30/11] BEYBLADE CRUSADE Recruitment Session: 2
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can someone plz sell me a TT beylauncher
I'm afraid I'm not so sure I can make it anymore. You'll have to take me off the list.

If I can, I'll still pop by on the day of to see how things are going.
(Apr. 22, 2011  5:50 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm afraid I'm not so sure I can make it anymore. You'll have to take me off the list.

If I can, I'll still pop by on the day of to see how things are going.

Aw man, that sucks. I hope you can make it to the next Recruitment Session!

Hrm ... not sure what I'm going to do for filming now. Does anybody have an HD camera that I would be able to use for the tournament?
you could use mine Kei
But can you fix my beylauncher
How come I am on the attendees list twice
(Apr. 22, 2011  6:14 PM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]you could use mine Kei
But can you fix my beylauncher
How come I am on the attendees list twice

What resolution does it shoot? Any example footage?

You might have to try opening it up to fix it, but I really don't know anything about how to go about doing that safely.

My mistake.
im off the attendees list now
COunt me in i live in the 1 of the 3 aptments near the park Grin
(Apr. 22, 2011  11:41 PM)LDD Wrote: [ -> ]im off the attendees list now

(Apr. 23, 2011  12:16 AM)beyblader999 Wrote: [ -> ]COunt me in i live in the 1 of the 3 aptments near the park Grin

Alright, I've dropped you LDD, and added in Quinafred from the reserve list. beyblader999, you're now on the reserve list.
@ go to my hell kerbecs review at my youtube channel (the link is in the sig)
(Apr. 23, 2011  1:45 AM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]@ go to my hell kerbecs review at my youtube channel (the link is in the sig)

Seems good to me!
im going but go hard on me i want a challange lol im 11
PLEAZZ put me on the list
(Apr. 24, 2011  3:18 AM)TheBoyBladerz Wrote: [ -> ]im going but go hard on me i want a challange lol im 11
PLEAZZ put me on the list

Sure! But just be aware that we've already reached the maximum amount of participants allowed for this tournament, so you'll be on the "reserve list" for now. If someone doesn't show up, then you'll be given a spot.
sign me up pleazzzzzzz ill b up bright and early Smile
Haha, I worried for the weather after today (was raining basically all day up here in Thornhill.) But saturday is the only day this week that it's actually sunny, I just hope that the ground won't be wet.
[Huge quote removed.]
sign me up for the reserv list
(Apr. 27, 2011  1:08 AM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]Haha, I worried for the weather after today (was raining basically all day up here in Thornhill.) But saturday is the only day this week that it's actually sunny, I just hope that the ground won't be wet.

Haha, you know what we need, right? ... The tarp master!
Ya mean me?XD
Hmm sorry if Im not canadian but will you guys record? I would love to see the Canada Metagame on beybladechannel. If you guys want to wait till Crusade or dont want recording, thats fine I understand. Good Luck with it on Sat!
(Apr. 28, 2011  12:51 AM)FlameDragon25 Wrote: [ -> ]Ya mean me?XD

Who else?!

(Apr. 28, 2011  1:36 AM)®otation Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm sorry if Im not canadian but will you guys record? I would love to see the Canada Metagame on beybladechannel. If you guys want to wait till Crusade or dont want recording, thats fine I understand. Good Luck with it on Sat!

I was actually planning on filming it and the third Recruitment Session to help build anticipation for the main event (would've filmed the first one, but Daegor had forgotten about the tournament).
hey kei what would happen if the ground was wet on the day of the Recruitment??? XD
^ We have the Tarp Master, who cares if the ground is wet? ;D
I'm really excited for this tournament and Kei, do you have someone to record the footage? Or are you doing it?
(Apr. 28, 2011  11:57 PM)Pockyx3 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm really excited for this tournament and Kei, do you have someone to record the footage? Or are you doing it?

majinshadow11 is going to lend me his camera.
Yes I am
and are you going to use your own SD card
(Apr. 29, 2011  3:08 AM)majinshadow11 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes I am
and are you going to use your own SD card

I'll bring mine, but bring yours as well just in case. I can transfer the footage to my laptop afterwards if I end up having to use your SD card.
srry for the such short notice but me and b.demonsreturn are going to a relgious function so yea our rides gone so yea plz take us of the list thanx
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