World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [Toronto, Ontario, 4/30/11] BEYBLADE CRUSADE Recruitment Session: 2
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About the tarps, apparently my dad lent them to his friends last week.
So I only have 1 tarp that I can bring for tomorow, sorry for the short notice:\
But we should be good for tommorow if we leave before 6pm.
is anybody!!! sellin screw capricorne
can you put Sun V 2 on the reserve list? xD sorry its late
what blades are you guys bringing
(Apr. 29, 2011  11:49 PM)FlameDragon25 Wrote: [ -> ]About the tarps, apparently my dad lent them to his friends last week.
So I only have 1 tarp that I can bring for tomorow, sorry for the short notice:\
But we should be good for tommorow if we leave before 6pm.

Ah, okay. Well, I've got mine as well, so hopefully that'll be enough!

(Apr. 30, 2011  4:25 AM)ali12345456 Wrote: [ -> ]can you put Sun V 2 on the reserve list? xD sorry its late


(Apr. 30, 2011  4:47 AM)capricorn7 Wrote: [ -> ]what blades are you guys bringing

mf-f capricorne 230es

beat that
(Apr. 30, 2011  7:33 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(Apr. 30, 2011  4:47 AM)capricorn7 Wrote: [ -> ]what blades are you guys bringing

mf-f capricorne 230es

beat that

MF-F Dark Escolpio M145ES

Ima win dis thing
take me off the list cant go Pinching_eyes
im bringing earth virgo
see you guy at the tournemnt
Final Standings!:

1st: Xman8024
2nd: Pyro
3rd: ElJihado

[Image: photoon20110430at1530.jpg]

(apparently there is wifi in this park lol)
is there any video sounds like everyone had fun
Yeah, there will be video of this tournament.

I made a noble sacrifice of my roster spot in a three way tie to save time.

Quote of the Day:
"What's a phallus?"

Quite possibly my worst tourney of the year. Oh well, I can't wait until the next one =D
Forgot to mention, Xman8024, Pyro, and ElJihado, let me know which Face Booster you would like! Smile
If there is wifi, you should live stream the tournament next time Grin
is the vid posted yet
(May. 01, 2011  2:03 AM)capricorn7 Wrote: [ -> ]is the vid posted yet

It'll take a couple of days.
(May. 01, 2011  1:51 AM)Deikailo Wrote: [ -> ]If there is wifi, you should live stream the tournament next time Grin

Maybe! But I know for sure that my MacBook wouldn't last the entire time haha.

(May. 01, 2011  2:03 AM)capricorn7 Wrote: [ -> ]is the vid posted yet

Please be patient! I don't simply slap all of the video clips together into one video without any thought.
I want a Blue Face booster if that's possible please.
Haha first time placing. Didn't expect too! Fun Wink
And that asian dude in the front of the picture...scary.
I would!
(May. 01, 2011  3:12 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]I would!

You open up your booster and find...
[Image: capricorneface.png]
(May. 01, 2011  5:04 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  3:12 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]I would!

You open up your booster and find...
[Image: capricorneface.png]

Dude, I already gave him the Escolpio Face! haha
(May. 01, 2011  5:13 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  5:04 AM)Daegor42 Wrote: [ -> ]
(May. 01, 2011  3:12 AM)Pyro Wrote: [ -> ]I would!

You open up your booster and find...
[Image: capricorneface.png]

Dude, I already gave him the Escolpio Face! haha could you do this to me? Unhappy
(May. 01, 2011  5:13 AM)Kei Wrote: [ -> ]Dude, I already gave him the Escolpio Face! haha

Oh, hah. Maybe I should just let you do this, eh?
Kei did you not enter or did you just lose?
He kept winning so much, so he decided to sit this one out. Haha.
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