World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Sora for sure

Cyber Starblast attack!....... ahh EPIC fail!
Yuu Tendo cracks me up!
Pluto, and you can't deny that. If you will, i'll exclusively make Pluto's laugh compilation for you Tongue_out
Masamune, because of his Tyson like attitude.
He's so funny
You know who I think.(look at my picture)
Tetsuya Wataragani is the funniest! Crabby, crab, crab...
Bbbbbull! Benkei is so annoying its kinda funny, plus hes like the biggest teen i have ever seen in my life! Kyoyas the funniest looking though.
Masumune is the funniest character I mean the way he constantly fights with the main charactar praclaming he is the number 1 blader. He exaclly like dachi from the original the way he copeates againsts the main character eavan though the main chactacter beats him all the time and proclames that he is the best when he is clearly wrong. And another character I found funny is yu because when he was against Tsubasa in metal master tsubasa said when yu changed the freeqency of his specail move how did he change the feeqancy so randomly yu just replyed because I'am awasome there was loads of other funny and random things he says throughout the series but that was one of my favroite.
Who says that The crab dude is funny
Massanune and Chi-Yun forever!
Masamune, Tetsuya, Benkei (Particularly his Masked Bull saga), Kenta (Third Season) have made me laugh so much.
You know, when I do that dance.
Who else...
Yu Tendo of-course ! Smile
I don't often laugh out loud at an english dub except at my own hilarious snarky comments of course but Tetsuya is absolutely BOSS.
BULLCRAB! He's the one character I could never mock because he's already so hilarious exactly as he is.
Oh, and Jack. Christ, Jack is... special.
WITH MY NEWLY AWAKENED LOVE FOR SPINNING TOPS I'MMA GO ALL ART ATTACK ON YOUR - Oh, how can I forget Gingka and Masamoomoo, our token Bronies?
There is the fact that DaXiang spends his entire introductory episode basically flirting with Gingka...
It's obviously Benkei, Tetsuya, and Mei-Mei. Mei-Mei always messing up her sentences makes her funny. Tetsuya is just the randomest guy ever. Benkei is always annoying, but he makes me laugh sometimes.
(Feb. 15, 2013  6:06 PM)BeybladePants11 Wrote: [ -> ]It's obviously Benkei, Tetsuya, and Mei-Mei. Mei-Mei always messing up her sentences makes her funny. Tetsuya is just the randomest guy ever. Benkei is always annoying, but he makes me laugh sometimes.

Chao is on to her
He knows she does it on purpose : P

Tetsu is crabalicious~
Kyoya Tategami, it might sounds weird, but I like his "dark humor." He doesn't try to make jokes he just has that type of personality. He's awesome, thought. Also, ^__^ That's so true. Ryuuga makes me laugh every time he opens his mouth, his voice doesn't match the character.
Hah, kyoya is funny (looking). I'd have to say Yuu. I dunno, he's just kinda funny.
i wood probaly say Tithi, Tetsuya, Tsubasa(4 gen) and Yu duno who else
Hmmm...I don't really find any of the characters "lol" worthy myself, but I think I might have laughed a few times over something Kyoya said
(Jan. 26, 2011  3:54 AM)BeyBlaster578 Wrote: [ -> ]Tetsuya! definitely! Have you SEEN the way he walks?

he walks pretty normal whats up wit dat

sorry my eyes messed up thought you said tsubasa
Ginga, nothing more nothing less.
(Feb. 18, 2013  5:05 AM)DanielBramblett Wrote: [ -> ]Ginga, nothing more nothing less.

Wait, just out of curiosity, which aspects of Ginga make you laugh/find him funny ? Cause all I can think of is how cheesy and cringy his english dub is ...
Thats one the reasons, but the main reason is the fact of how obsessed he is with burgers and pegasis. And in the anime those things lead to funny conversations between *pause*........... Never mind Masumune is funnier.
Yep..... Masamunae FTW!! XD
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