World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Messages for Adachi Takafumi.
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Now that we have seen the first chapter of Metal Fight Beyblade, I would like you to take some time (one day, one week, one month) to digest it.

I have been able to contact Adachi Takafumi, the author of the new manga. He likes to receive comments about his work. However, he does not want to answer questions on what will happen in Metal Fight Beyblade in the future : he cannot let only a "limited" group of fans know about unrevealed information.

Keeping that in mind, you can write whatever message you would like me to send him in this topic. However, give constructive criticism. I will not forward him comments like "Ugh, what kid drew this thing" : that is a personal opinion not entirely based on facts. Polite suggestions on improvements that can be made would be more appreciated.

Moreover, wonder : what would I really do if I was not necessarily interested in Beyblade and that I was asked to make a series out of spinning tops, without using Holy Beast ?

Adachi Takafumi is a busy man. He might answer when he has free time. To know a little bit more about him and how he was approached by TAKARA-TOMY to create this new manga, you can read the corresponding posts here :

You should preferably try not to ask him too many questions, but asking him about, for instance, how he came to imagine Ginga or how he likes working on Metal Fight Beyblade is fine. I cannot guarantee an answer on his part though.

I will tell you what his reply was if he ever does answer.
I want to know his thoughts/reasons on Ginga character design.

Like how many months between Ginga's first appearance in the first Preview chapter #00 in Corocoro to the most recent publishing.
Namely, why those changes were made to his appearance, such as the headband, cape/scarf, eyebrows and adding a vest.
Compared to to looking like a tough guy, he now looks more "kiddie"/young.

Kai-v, I think you can understand what I'm saying, so I hope you can ask on my behalf.
But Im sure im not the only one thinking this question.

Many thanks.
Did you have any experience with Takao Aoki's Beyblade manga durring its' run? Did it inspire or influence you in any way?
Simple and to the point

Why didnt you use the old beyblade artist`s style as i think 8/10 bladers preferred it
I would to like ask why, as of issue one, he has rehashed the storyline?

I would also like to ask where the inspiration of his character designs came from
(Oct. 08, 2008  2:30 AM)-WOLF- Wrote: [ -> ]Simple and to the point

Why didnt you use the old beyblade artist`s style as i think 8/10 bladers preferred it
You should have read the posts on Beyblade Spirit Forums I linked to.

Adachi Takafumi was told to make something completely different to Bakuten Shoot Beyblade. This is what TAKARA-TOMY wanted.

Blue's message is OK.

To, could I ask him "what small parts of Aoki Takao's Bakuten Shoot Beyblade inspired you, even though you had to create a different series" instead ?

Evan, I do not know if this really should be asked. He felt that that storyline would work fine for several chapters, so he chose it, I suppose. It must be a typical kind of storyline too.

I would like to e-mail him with a batch of messages at a time, so those two messages will have to wait a while.

However, I really think Adachi Takafumi would appreciate feedback on this first chapter instead of questions ...
(Oct. 08, 2008  2:30 AM)-WOLF- Wrote: [ -> ]Simple and to the point

Why didnt you use the old beyblade artist`s style as i think 8/10 bladers preferred it

what the hell are you basing this number on

and why would you ask an artist to use another artist's style

fyi i think the new manga looks way better
good job on making the pictures and the front cover
i love all the action with 100 beyblades flying everywhere!
Yeah Kai-V, that wording is fine. Although it would suck if he replies with "While Aoki is an honourable man, and I have had the oppurtunity to meet him, and work with him in the past, I haven't read his Beyblade manga."

Some more questions; Would you jump off a building for a Beyblade?, also, How difficult was it for you to start writing a Beyblade manga, after previously working on a Duel Masters series? Was it a smooth transition, or did it take some time to get used to?".
@ Brad

.............random er logically estimated numbers using the formula Sª=ßx(3×56+2384÷28965×2÷855445÷652.456)x3÷45652366523698=e

I prefer the old one because of its detail. Im not asking him to copy (theres just no time) but asking why he didnt use an already evolved and developed animation style. The manga was pretty good, but i prefer the old one (G Rev`s) more.
(Oct. 08, 2008  3:06 AM)-WOLF- Wrote: [ -> ]@ Brad

.............random er logically estimated numbers using the formula Sª=ßx(3×56+2384÷28965×2÷855445÷652.456)x3÷45652366523698=e

I prefer the old one because of its detail. Im not asking him to copy (theres just no time) but asking why he didnt use an already evolved and developed animation style. The manga was pretty good, but i prefer the old one (G Rev`s) more.

They never used that style for the manga...
Also, I prefer this new style as well. It's pretty good. BTW, we would probably have a lot more to say about the first chapter if we could read it Tired.
Serious question for Takafumi-san.

When the Beyblade project was proposed to you, what were your feelings? Were you excited to be part of Beyblade's revival?

Another question, how does your work on Beyblade compare to your work on Duel Masters? How is it managing two projects at once?
Good news : he just replied with answers.
(Evan, I had not included your question about his inspiration for the character designs because I was really not certain he would answer those questions at all. I had envisioned that such question would require a long answer if he explained all his characters' designs, and the message was already quite big (for a Japanese, even though his English is mostly understandable). I will however try to remember about your interrogation next time.)

I will attempt to translate his message in some better English :

First of all, thanks to you who have read my cartoon.

Next, my sincere apologies for not being able to succeed Mr. Aoki in his work.
It is because I did not decide it.

I was told to make a completely different story by Takara(-Tomy).
That was good for me.
Disappointment from the fans were to be expected.

I am happy to discover this new world though.

I will answer a question :

>why did you change Hagane Ginga's design from the first
Usually, the design is modified many times, and then I consult the person in charge when it is ready.
However, there was no time this time. "It was immediately before writing the first story to decide the design of Ginga."

Ginga was born 1 month ago, like the other characters.

>how does this affect your work?
What mostly makes me busy is not DM, but Kung Fu Panda. There seems to be a misunderstanding about it.
As for this work (Beyblade), "the supervision is severe, and there are a lot of physical superiorities, too." A lot of time is spent on it.
"Even the third story of Babrad is severe timewise."

Time management is very difficult. "Bey is drawn at the half month, and Panda is drawn at the half month." I also look after my family, and the manga work is accomplished while doing some housework too.

>Beyblade, were you inspired by some small parts of it in general ? Had you read Aoki Takao's Beyblade work before ?
I did read it. At that time, the animated cartoon was broadcast a lot. I try not to read it for this new work though.
I do my best not to use parts of Bakuten Shoot Beyblade.
However, "it is not thought that the forcibly different one is drawn. It follows the royal road."

>When the Beyblade project was proposed to you, what were your feelings?
I was excited.

>[Is it] easier/more difficult?
"Bey is difficult. There is a lot of volume of information because it
is a solid thing.
It technically costs the work cost, too.


I feel big pressure. A lot of voices also.
However, my ability doesn't improve right now.
It is only done to do now. I think that I enjoy it."

To, I did not ask him "Would you jump off a building for a Beyblade?". In my opinion, it is unfortunately impertinent right now.

I hope this answers your questions. Personally, you should consider yourselves very lucky because I was expecting a "Thanks for the feedback.", nothing more.

Also, I really think he was approached for Metal Fight Beyblade on the date I had not understood at first : 06/30.
Wow, how prompt of him. I'm happy he was able to answer the questions, it was fun to read. Maybe in the future I will have a few questions.

Thanks for contacting him Kai-V!
Google Mail said it was sent three hours ago, which would mean Adachi Takafumi wrote that at 6:30 AM ?

Pichuscute Wrote:BTW, we would probably have a lot more to say about the first chapter if we could read it .
Hm, what is difficult to understand about that chapter ? Do you want me to summarise the action ? Because knowing exactly what a character said is not essential to your comprehension.
Takafumi rules. Wow.
Haha, was not expecting him to answer, but I'm happy he did.

And lol Kai-V, that question wasn't serious, it was a joke.
I asked Adachi Takafumi what he thought about Beyblade's popularity in Japan. He said "The toy begins to sell little by little", yet he believes the series will really take off once the anime will be aired.

He also confirmed that there were no Holy Beasts, compared to Bakuten Shoot Beyblade. He said they might look more like Holy Beasts in the future, but they are really only animalistic representations.
(Oct. 10, 2008  2:56 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Takafumi rules. Wow.
Very cool, Im surprised.
hes gangsta
I've got a message for Takafumi:

The first design of Ginga was very harsh looking. He was very serious. We also saw a dead, dusty city. Then, the design was changed to something "friendlier". The manga itself is very kid-friendly so far as well; the expressions are very comical and the inclusion of a talking, Beyblading dog seems aimed at young children. Was there a change in direction at the last minute?
If you could please include this information to Mr. Takafumi, I'd very much appreciate it:

Hi Mr. Takafumi,

I first want to say that I am very impressed with the beginning of this series, and would like to thank you for your hard work so far.

As a fan already, I wanted to ask you a few questions. How long do you anticipate the manga series to go on? Is this something that we will have to wait and see? Also, the characters look very cool in in the manga. When you were asked to design the characters, what was your first thoughts on the style and tone of the art design and the story? Is there anything that inspired you with your art and writing?


Has past experience on Duel Masters helped the development of some of the characters in this new beyblade series?
If so how?

(Beyblades better not turn into Duel Master characters suddenly wanting to buy beyblades) j/k.
Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?
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