World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: Messages for Adachi Takafumi.
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<3 Awesome. I'm glad he liked everything. Smile
Cool Glad he liked everything.
That's such a cool picture. Grin How cute of him. Joyful_3

I take it you sent him mine too~ Smile
Wait, I just noticed that that is a lightning L-Drago, Awesome! Grin
(Jun. 21, 2009  6:19 PM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]That's such a cool picture. Grin How cute of him Joyful_3

This Joyful_2

That picture is awesome! All the HWS blades look great XD And I love how he put his drawings in the background Cute
That was...pure...awesomeness! xD
You're welcome Takafumi-san! Have a great year!
I'm so glad we got a chance to do this and that he loved our gifts! I hope we can do for him the same next year.
I wish i had seen this sooner (Just read a few pages back.), I would have done a message for him but I guess it will have to be next time.
I never got to see the banner Unhappy
Awww poor you, lol Kai-V or someone else should post it up for you Wink Don't worry Grin
(Jun. 21, 2009  9:54 PM)Khel Wrote: [ -> ]I never got to see the banner Unhappy

Same. Unhappy
Yeah, Kai-V should still have a screen shot of it so don't worry, you will see it.

that's pretty neat brad.
That is amazing ^ ^ Really glad he liked what we all gave.
Love the way he sketches, almost prefer it to the way the finished manga looks, he really captures movement : )
On a slightly more off topic note, Lightning L Drago actually looks really nice there bizarrely enough :s
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing ... both in terms of really liking the rough sketches, and that L-Drago looks good there.
(Jun. 21, 2009  5:29 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]I really don't know how to thank you.
I love all bladers!


[Image: thanks2.jpg]

Thank you everybody; he really appreciates it.

I attached a screenshot of the site and I also gave him the link here, so I am quite sure he saw it.

Awesome, glad he loved it.
Glad he likes our gifts as well Smile. I wish I could draw like that
Oh my! I'm delighted that Mr. Takafumi loved all of our gifts! And I am honored that he sent us something in return as well. Once again, I wish to express my gratitude to Kai-V for forwarding our messages, Bey Brad for creating such a splendid banner and of course Mr. Takafumi for making all of this possible!
For 高柳 :
To draw in black and white, he uses a G-pen and a Fude-pen. To colour, he uses Painter 6 and Photoshop.

Rocky, I forgot your question, but I will try to ask it right away ...
I had forgotten of this thread. I really appreciate you still asking and him still answering all our questions. Tell him thanks, please? Smile
Rocky, I think it was you who asked both "What is your favourite character ?" and "Do you design the characters who appear in the anime first, or do you get their designs afterward ?".

To the first question, he says "ALL!".
Secondly, he usually designs all the characters that Mr. Nagamori then slightly modifies (for the anime), but Mr. Nagamori drew Madoka, Hyouma, Tetsuya and Hikaru first. Both work very close though.

Pichuscute Wrote:I had forgotten of this thread. I really appreciate you still asking and him still answering all our questions. Tell him thanks, please?
A question for Takafumi: As Mr. Nagamori drew Hyouma and Madoka first and they only appear in the anime (at the moment), is it likely they will be featured in the manga at some point? Hikaru and Tetsuya were done by Nagamori first too but they have appeared more than once in the Metal Fight Beyblade manga, especially in recent chapters.
(Aug. 15, 2009  6:13 PM)bbgoldflame Wrote: [ -> ]A question for Takafumi: As Mr. Nagamori drew Hyouma and Madoka first and they only appear in the anime (at the moment), is it likely they will be featured in the manga at some point? Hikaru and Tetsuya were done by Nagamori first too but they have appeared more than once in the Metal Fight Beyblade manga, especially in recent chapters.
He would probably see this as a spoiler, therefore he would not reveal it.
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