World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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Last chance today. Though there are already a few.
Which exact date is his birthday?

I was thinking of making a small change on the site for him for that day ... but I worry he might not see it. Unhappy
Today, isn't it?
EDIT: Maybe it's tomorrow. Tongue_out
Officially, it is 'tomorrow', but 'tomorrow' has already started in Japan. It should be a few minutes after midnight there.

Brad, I can always tell him to check this site. If anything, I could also take a screenshot of that change in case he does not get to see it on time.
Well, he won't have started celebrating yet, will he? You'll have about 9 hours, I guess. Also Kai, could you post the screenshot for us UK peoples who will most likely be asleep?

(Jun. 20, 2009  6:11 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]Which exact date is his birthday?

I was thinking of making a small change on the site for him for that day ... but I worry he might not see it. Unhappy

I think a banner with some of his art at the top of the main page and a news post would be cool.
(Jun. 19, 2009  8:48 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]No cellphone with a camera ? Any picture quality would be fine.

If you want though, you could still write him a message.

So, my computers fixed which means I can scan stuff in again. Grin Except because I didn't think it would be, I didn't do anything. Pinching_eyes_2 But I'm, uh, trying to get something done now. Pinching_eyes_2

Also, I adore the banner. Joyful_3
(Jun. 20, 2009  8:19 PM)Rocky Wrote: [ -> ]So, my computers fixed which means I can scan stuff in again. Grin Except because I didn't think it would be, I didn't do anything. Pinching_eyes_2 But I'm, uh, trying to get something done now. Pinching_eyes_2
Can you try to get it done within this hour ? It would be good to surprise Adachi Takafumi sometime before he even wakes up.
Loving the banner Brad Cute.
Just wanted to tell him it takes a lot of skill to draw those beyblades over and over again so detailed, normally artists would be annoyed by then, but I have to say he does an amazing job with his artwork and I love his art style.
Yeah. I really appreciate what he is doing with MFB and I love all the fresh ideas he has Grin

You can ask him this the next time you speak if you want, I don't think he'd want questions on his birthday.But does he draw, and think up the names for characters who appear in the anime first?
(Jun. 20, 2009  7:48 PM)fragbait Wrote: [ -> ]I think a banner with some of his art at the top of the main page and a news post would be cool.

It is already there. Speechless
Recon you could pass this on for me?
[Image: happybdayw.jpg]
that is so cool

my birthday present looks sucky now Unhappy
You changed a whole website banner. Both are amazing. Wish I was this talented.
(Jun. 20, 2009  9:30 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]It is already there. Speechless

Sorry, didn't notice. Then again, I swear it wasn't when I looked. Oh well.
Awesome banner Brad and awesome pic theflightyellz. I'm feeling so bad for being able to do more right now Unhappy
Happy B-day takafumi-san. Cute
(Jun. 20, 2009  8:22 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]Can you try to get it done within this hour ? It would be good to surprise Adachi Takafumi sometime before he even wakes up.

Seeing as it's 2 and a half hours since you said that, apparently not. I'll just send it to you now though....hopefully he won't mind getting it a little later. Pinching_eyes_2
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thank you SOOOOO much for the manga. I think we all here agree that its great and we all appreciate the hard work. Cant wait to read the next chapter.
I hope Takafumi-san gets the messages we wanted to send him and that he has a great birthday!
i won't take the banner down until i know he's seen it damnit!
(Jun. 21, 2009  8:35 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]i won't take the banner down until i know he's seen it damnit!
rofl we can be like those people who keep their Christmas lights up all year just to be sure.

Nice work on the banner, Brad. Betcha he will see it. idk how anyone related to Beyblade can miss us.
Lol Happy Birthday Takafumi-San, you created pure awesome manga Cool

And I'm sure he will see it Brad Tongue_out_wink
(Jun. 21, 2009  8:35 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]i won't take the banner down until i know he's seen it damnit!

Lmao, He will see it so stop worring. XD

Happy birthday Takafumi-san and thank you for all you have done. (Sorry if this was late but I didn't have the chance until now)
I really don't know how to thank you.
I love all bladers!


[Image: thanks2.jpg]

Thank you everybody; he really appreciates it.

Bey Brad Wrote:i won't take the banner down until i know he's seen it damnit!
I attached a screenshot of the site and I also gave him the link here, so I am quite sure he saw it.
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