World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

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(Dec. 18, 2008  8:18 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?

Good question. I would like to know this as well.

Also, as Taiki kind of mentioned, can we expect a DM/Beyblade crossover?
(Dec. 18, 2008  8:18 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?

I can say with 99% confidence that it's an entirely new universe. Takara-Tomy asked him to create an unrelated story.
2 questions for him:

What inspired you to use a talking dog as Libra's owner?

The mysterious, green-haired man who was originally supposed to be Sagittario's owner--what happened to him, and why did you choose a child instead?
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:16 AM)Grey Wrote: [ -> ]2 questions for him:

What inspired you to use a talking dog as Libra's owner?

I was also wondering this.
you guys are asking some pretty ridiculous questions

he probably chose a dog because he thought "hey a dog would be fun"
Takafumi must have a lot of time to answer these questions.
I bet theres 5 secretaries doing this for him.

Just like the time our whole class sent emails to the prime minister about ways to improve the water saving, we all got mailed the same letter back. Word for word. I lol'd when it talked about something i didn't mention.
I guess my message for Takafumi-san is too naive .
"One day I saw in original Naruto manga something like an art competition where every fan can send to Masashi Kishimoto-san their creations where they drew their own ninja. And then Masashi-san choose the winner and draw winner's character and published his picture in manga.
So I asking you: can you in the near future organise something like this? And can we, inhabitants of another country, take part in this competition?
Guys, please Don't laugh!
ok umm . . . who is adachi takafumi and who is bey dog?????
(Dec. 19, 2008  12:24 PM)utsavkotrial Wrote: [ -> ]ok umm . . . who is adachi takafumi and who is bey dog?????
This should have been asked in the other topic.

Basically, both answers can be found in that other topic.

One question mark is enough, also. It makes the comment look smarter.

Some of your messages and interrogations have already been asked somehow, in my opinion, or I alreadt know the answer. For instance, I do not think Duel Masters has influenced Metal Fight Beyblade.
Over time the direction for what age group beyblade is leaning towards has changed, what is the age group your new manga is aiming for and will the seriousness of the manga increase to interest older readers?
which topic. and no MFB is not influenced by DM
(Dec. 19, 2008  12:49 PM)utsavkotrial Wrote: [ -> ]which topic. and no MFB is not influenced by DM
Metal Fight Beyblade Anime/Manga Thread.

Taiki Wrote:Over time the direction for what age group beyblade is leaning towards has changed, what is the age group your new manga is aiming for and will the seriousness of the manga increase to interest older readers?
Target audience for Beyblade has always been 6+ years old.

But, your question is related to Brad's in a way, so I will try to combine both.
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:15 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 18, 2008  8:18 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?

I can say with 99% confidence that it's an entirely new universe. Takara-Tomy asked him to create an unrelated story.
Would you guys mind if we ask him anyway. Id like to hear what he has to say about it.
(Dec. 19, 2008  9:41 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:15 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 18, 2008  8:18 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?

I can say with 99% confidence that it's an entirely new universe. Takara-Tomy asked him to create an unrelated story.
Would you guys mind if we ask him anyway. Id like to hear what he has to say about it.

(Dec. 19, 2008  9:41 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 19, 2008  3:15 AM)Bey Brad Wrote: [ -> ]
(Dec. 18, 2008  8:18 PM)Maz Wrote: [ -> ]Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?

I can say with 99% confidence that it's an entirely new universe. Takara-Tomy asked him to create an unrelated story.
Would you guys mind if we ask him anyway. Id like to hear what he has to say about it.

He said he would be busy for some days though.
Not a problem. He can take all the time he wants. Thanks Kai-V for passing on the message. I actually havea few more questions.

When drawing the beyblades, does takera send you images of beyblades for you to illustrate in your manga or do they send the actual beyblades themselves?
Also how eairly on do they send them to you before we see this first new beyblade in your manga?
And last how many beyblades have you already seen that have not been in the manga but takera has sent you to illustrate?
I would like to keep this topic reserved for things related to Adachi Takafumi. I think he sometimes visits.
(Dec. 20, 2008  9:10 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to keep this topic reserved for things related to Adachi Takafumi. I think he sometimes visits.


Just for future reference, I'll be clearing posts that I feel don't contribute anything positive to this thread.
After, reading the first chapter of the new manga I got both excited and disappointed as:
This is a new era for Beyblade and as a fan I feel excited, however, seeing that the Bull was beaten by Sagittario which in reality never happens, I got a little bit disappointed(Seeking reality in a manga is a bit against the concept of manga though), so here are my questions derived reflecting this opinion:

1- Why didn't you choose Kenta as the Bull's owner as it would have been more solid to see Bull beating Sagitarrio?
2-As in the old series the upgrades for the Beyblades' of main characters had been named with an abbreviation, are we going to see the similar thing in these new series or will the Beyblades of the characters be changed with new Beyblades?

As a final note: During the series I really hated to see Takao's Beyblade evolving(Dragoon F to V and V2 to G) which was purely ridiculous, I hope we won't see the same thing in MFB and I really appreciate Adachi Takafumi's work on the manga as it seemed to have a bit more intuition than Aoki Takao's...
As for question 1, I doubt Takafumi is an expert Blader or anything. Hell, it had probably been drawn before Sagittario was released. As for #2, Takafumi shouldn't reveal any future details.
Bey Brad Wrote:The first design of Ginga was very harsh looking. He was very serious. We also saw a dead, dusty city. Then, the design was changed to something "friendlier". The manga itself is very kid-friendly so far as well; the expressions are very comical and the inclusion of a talking, Beyblading dog seems aimed at young children. Was there a change in direction at the last minute?
It is normal for changes to happen. Making a manga is conversing with the editor/the 'boss', taking into consideration the kind of person who will read the magazine, etc.

The Unkown God Wrote:Hi Mr. Takafumi,

I first want to say that I am very impressed with the beginning of this series, and would like to thank you for your hard work so far.

As a fan already, I wanted to ask you a few questions. How long do you anticipate the manga series to go on? Is this something that we will have to wait and see? Also, the characters look very cool in in the manga. When you were asked to design the characters, what was your first thoughts on the style and tone of the art design and the story? Is there anything that inspired you with your art and writing?


Right now, the number of chapters to come is unknown. You just have to keep checking.

He first thought Ginga was an innocent child, but the editor wanted more, which is how Ginga was born.

Taiki Wrote:Has past experience on Duel Masters helped the development of some of the characters in this new beyblade series?
If so how?
Yes, very much. It is very useful.

Probably simply because it is not his first manga, so he knows what to expect, etc.

Maz Wrote:Is this beyblade manga that you are writing in the same universe as the previous series? Are the original characters from the old series, which may or may not ever appear in your series, existent? Also if your story does take place in the same universe as the original series are your characters aware of the original characters through their championship fame?
No, it is another world.

Taiki Wrote:Also, as Taiki kind of mentioned, can we expect a DM/Beyblade crossover?
I did not ask this.

Grey Wrote:What inspired you to use a talking dog as Libra's owner?
This might have been 'requested' by the editor. They are looking for strange, surprising, exciting aspects, and that is often popular amongst readers.

Grey Wrote:The mysterious, green-haired man who was originally supposed to be Sagittario's owner--what happened to him, and why did you choose a child instead?
Apparently, the staff picked four of his drawings randomly (before the manga was published) and decided to use them. At the beginning, the characters were not really developped. When they came to choose the actual characters seriously, they took Kenta instead for Sagittario.

I think that the blue-haired boy is his favourite.

Sandy Wrote:"One day I saw in original Naruto manga something like an art competition where every fan can send to Masashi Kishimoto-san their creations where they drew their own ninja. And then Masashi-san choose the winner and draw winner's character and published his picture in manga.
So I asking you: can you in the near future organise something like this? And can we, inhabitants of another country, take part in this competition?

Maz Wrote:When drawing the beyblades, does takera send you images of beyblades for you to illustrate in your manga or do they send the actual beyblades themselves?
The products, so he can draw them at different angles.

Maz Wrote:Also how eairly on do they send them to you before we see this first new beyblade in your manga?
And last how many beyblades have you already seen that have not been in the manga but takera has sent you to illustrate?
He did not answer the first question, and I did not ask the second : this is a kind of spoiler.

ZenX Wrote:1- Why didn't you choose Kenta as the Bull's owner as it would have been more solid to see Bull beating Sagitarrio?
2-As in the old series the upgrades for the Beyblades' of main characters had been named with an abbreviation, are we going to see the similar thing in these new series or will the Beyblades of the characters be changed with new Beyblades?
I did not ask these; refer to Brad's post.
Seriously : five days, nine answers, six people, no reply ?

Knowing that Adachi Takafumi sometimes visits this forum, I think it would be courteous to at least say "Fine" or "OK", even if you did not like the answers. (This contributes positively to the thread ...)

If you were planning on replying within the next three weeks, then ignore this message, but I try to reply soon after people e-mailed me. And I do know this is not a chatroom.

I also hope some of you are not upset that I did not ask some of the questions; there are reasons behind that ...
Didn't mean to seem rude, Kai-V. The answers were fine but didn't leave much room for a follow-up. Thank you though!
Aww......I was actually found the answers very intreseting and I very much appreciate the effort you put in. But seeing as I didn't ask any of the questions in the first place and the naswers pretty much covered everything, I didn't really feel like I had any other comments. ^^; Thanks though. *hug*
It is not me.

It is just that I usually reply to his message with people's reactions in general. This time, I had nothing, which might have indicated that members here hated the answers as much as they could have liked them.

Adachi Takafumi says he does not mind, but it is encouraging for him to know that people appreciate what he does, I suppose.
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