World Beyblade Organization

Full Version: [Manhattan, New York 10/16/2010] Big Apple Bey Brawl - Central Park South
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Name: Big Apple Bey Brawl
Date: Saturday October 16, 2010
Venue: Central Park South in Heckscher Playground
Expected Turnout: About 15
Format: Stantard Format, Round Robin System
Additional information: All generations of Beyblades will be aloud, even the Libra wheel but only for free play. Around 1:30 the tournament will start and only MFB will be aloud, excluding the Libra wheel. The tournament will last as long as it has to until there is a first, second and third winner. To get to Central Park south, you can take the R, N or Q train and get off at Fifth avenue and 59th street. If you want, you can bring mats and blankets to sit on.

Prizes will be kept a surprise until the day of the tournament. I will try to provide at least two Takara Tomy stadium, but I don't have any attack stadiums. If you can, please bring a stadium of your own or ask a friend if you can borrow it for that day.

  • Meet up at 5th ave and E. 59th ST at 1:30pm
  • Head to Heckscher Playground at set thing set up along with practice and free play between 2pm - 3pm
  • Official tournament starts at 3:15pm


To get to Central Park south, you can take the R, N or Q train and get off at Fifth avenue and 59th street
Also, you can take the ABCD1 trains to 59th st. Columbus Circle
Thanks Cye

[Image: fef1xh.jpg]
[Image: 2vjy90g.jpg]

Like all official WBO tournaments, there will be a $5 entrance fee if you don't have a bladers passport. You can buy one at the tournament for $10 and you will get into official WBO tournaments for free for a year.

Since we're going to be in a playground in Central Park, you are responsible of keeping watch over your beyblades and personal belongings. We are not responsible if anything is lost or stolen. We'd also recommend that if you do intend to take part in the tournament, then bring your own beys. This may sound like an obvious suggestion, but in the past people have come without, expecting to borrow other blader's blades.

CyberDranzer (confirmed)
Jyankeefan13 (confirmed)
TheSilverBlader (confirmed)
kngoftherng (bringing friends) (confirmed) (Has bladers passport)
Cye Kinomiya (confirmed)
rascoXtaco (confirmed)
snowglobe79 (confirmed)
beybeyboy15 (confirmed)
pedrepaco (confirmed)
pokemon 121 (confirmed)
kanyon789 (confirmed)
DarkWerewolf (confirmed)
bey bully (confirmed)
evoion44 (confirmed)
gianc6 (confirmed)
zackorang1 (confirmed)
MS Dragoon (confirmed) (Has bladers passport)
X9d9123 (confirmed) (Has bladers passport)
RockAriesStef (confirmed)
cole (confirmed)
bladerMM (confirmed)
MS Dragoon (confirmed)
Shippudenface (confirmed)
Ozzy (confirmed)
Bluezee (confirmed)
major-rampage54 (confirmed)
Kevin20888 (confirmed)
DarkGasher55555 (confirmed)
Bey610 (confirmed)
rex (confirmed)
yoshiman44 (confirmed)
dragoon51 (dragoon 51)
Ikki (confirmed)
Pkstrength71 (confirmed)
Th3C0d3br8k3r (confirmed)
xStorm Bladerx (confirmed)
Pisces bey (confirmed)
ayrip (confirmed)
STORMPEGASUS#10 (confirmed)
StormPikachu (confirmed)
crayzeperson (confirmed)
pegasus101 (confirmed)
Soaring Eagle (confirmed)
yunglync139 (confirmed)
chops12311 (confirmed)
flameplum1 (confirmed)
yungtiger139 (confirmed)
kenny140 (confirmed)
ricky140 (confirmed)
dannyboi04 (confirmed)
BeyStrategist (confirmed)
dranzerallday1 (confirmed)
Flame Storm (confirmed)
invader mrk (confirmed)

Maybe Attending:
Ray unicorno q
Wow, I didn't expect more than one american tournament to pop up, congrats.

Also, the upcoming events list is really filling up now.
Everybody have fun!
well pockyx3, since school is back, every1 wants to do 1 more tournament b4 they have to focus REALLY HARD in school
Haha thanks Pocky. c: And yeah that's true Tyler. I might probably do another tournament at the end of the school year next year.
i am going to!!!!!!!
I might open a tourney myself. Except i dont have alot of money for prizes, i dont know where to host it and i dont have takara stadium. Tho, hosts like u inspire me to host 1.
I might be able to go.
no!!! to far from where i live Unhappy
idk if i can go cuz i live in nc so yea put me on the mayby list (EPIC FAIL SPELLING ) LAMO!!!!
i think this turnamet is going to be epic and herdcore because go battlebladers
Are you going to attend?
This is so awesome. I go to Heckscher playground almost every day to practice parkour.

Also, you can take the ABCD1 trains to 59th st. Columbus Circle. It's closer.
i going so dont count me out!!!
Wow I didn't think I would get more people to go.
awesome man now it is an official event cool all i need is to tell my brother it is in central park
ive got it confirmed im going Grin
[Quote removed.]

i will like to enter to the big apple bey brawl could u email me all the info. to enroll to the tournament please my email is [email protected] thank u.
is anyone allowed in cause i might go
Yet another tourny I shall win.
I got to remember these directions by heart
sweet! FINALLY a tournament near me!
can I be put on the maybe list because I don't know if something else is going to interfere with me coming there? Hopefully there is nothing that will stand in the way of me coming to the tournament.
By the way, thank you for making a tournament that is near to where I live Smile
(Sep. 19, 2010  3:14 PM)O-MEGABLADER45 Wrote: [ -> ][Quote removed.]

i will like to enter to the big apple bey brawl could u email me all the info. to enroll to the tournament please my email is [email protected] thank u.

All the information you need to know if already posted.

(Sep. 19, 2010  3:18 PM)cman543 Wrote: [ -> ]is anyone allowed in cause i might go

There is no age limit.
i might come
awww i like apples too bad i live in canada well kool name
May possibly come and bring my team.
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