World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.

Full Version: [London, UK, 6/8/2010] Rule Beytania - St. James’s Park
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My first tourney as well, also:
(1)-jjsonickid you dont live anywhere near st james so yeah... in fact I could get there earlier than you do even if we leave at the same time.
(2)-people at the top don't be so pessimistic just cos it didnt rain today doesnot mean it,s gonna rain tommorow.
Anyway lets have fun guy's(errr... I'm not sure but girls as well) and sorry if it's a bit off topic
Lmao it is
but gonna have to agree with u on dat 1 cuz derz hardly gonna b any girlz unless ov course rocky will be attending
Sorry, Can't come. Parents are busy and they couldn't find anyone else to take me. That and they won't let me go on my own.
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:53 PM)RevertedToZero Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, Can't come. Parents are busy and they couldn't find anyone else to take me. That and they won't let me go on my own.
Oh. I was looking forward to meeting you.
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:59 PM)KidTala Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:53 PM)RevertedToZero Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, Can't come. Parents are busy and they couldn't find anyone else to take me. That and they won't let me go on my own.
Oh. I was looking forward to meeting you.

I'll probably see you at the next meet up we have. That is, if both of us are going.
In the OP, you meant to say that people will be meeting to the top left of point 4, right? Point 5 is 'The Mall'.

Also, what's happening between meeting at 12 and getting to the place at 1? Would it be fine to get there in between 12 and 1, or even just getting there like a few minutes before 1 (I've got some stuff to do before if I do come)? Obviously this wouldn't be ideal if you have things planned for the hour.
Sorry, Pointless post.
(Aug. 05, 2010  7:15 PM)RevertedToZero Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:59 PM)KidTala Wrote: [ -> ]
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:53 PM)RevertedToZero Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, Can't come. Parents are busy and they couldn't find anyone else to take me. That and they won't let me go on my own.
Oh. I was looking forward to meeting you.

I'll probably see you at the next meet up we have. That is, if both of us are going.
Yup, if I can.
(Aug. 05, 2010  7:16 PM)Cpt. Squirrel Wrote: [ -> ]In the OP, you meant to say that people will be meeting to the top left of point 4, right? Point 5 is 'The Mall'.

Also, what's happening between meeting at 12 and getting to the place at 1? Would it be fine to get there in between 12 and 1, or even just getting there like a few minutes before 1 (I've got some stuff to do before if I do come)? Obviously this wouldn't be ideal if you have things planned for the hour.

Yeah, it's supposed to be Point 4.

The last time we were here, we gathered at the Blue Bridge at around 12ish, and at about 12:20-12:30 we headed off to our designated place. Because of the unpredictable nature of the weather, this could either be the aforementioned bandstand, which I doubt you'll be able to miss, or just a section of grass. It should be quite easy to spot a large group of children/teenagers crouched down, anyway, haha. Someone normally puts their telephone number up, also ...

We do normally start at around 1, to let everyone get here.
Looking forward to tomorrow, just packed all the stuff I'm taking with me, which is half as much as I usually do, just the essential combo's and a few spare parts this time. Can't wait to see everyone again Grin
whos going that lives in neasden message me we can meet up at neasden train station
is it alright if i video the tournament for youtube and for the histories
(Aug. 06, 2010  12:07 AM)smg4life01 Wrote: [ -> ]is it alright if i video the tournament for youtube and for the histories
videoing is allowed
its gonna be fun today i couldnt get a blink of sleep lastnight
me neither haha I fell asleep on the sofa at 2.30 AM
after watching recess reruns for 5 hours
lol i had to go to sleep otherwise i wouldn't wake up
EVERYONE who is buying / selling to me I will be wearing a black hoodie
whoever buys of me (sora) I'm wearing an ecko unt top (incase of rain blue jacket) and shorts.
whoever im buying from (theflightyellzellz-Track) ad there restno who they are ill be wearing a black and grey south pole jumper with black jeans and possibly black trainers
Yes its today cant wait
(Aug. 05, 2010  6:53 PM)RevertedToZero Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry, Can't come. Parents are busy and they couldn't find anyone else to take me. That and they won't let me go on my own.

I sent you a pm asking do you want to go cause you live near but youd didnt reply

Also GL guys...again
Im here who alse is here
I've just left work people so I'll be there soon

Good luck everyone and have fun.
Really wish I coulda gone to this. Oh well hope you guys had fun.
(Aug. 06, 2010  3:11 PM)megablader2 Wrote: [ -> ]Really wish I coulda gone to this. Oh well hope you guys had fun.

Where have you been?

So pissed off. I had all my carp packed up for the tournament, including an attack stadium but I got held up at the stuff I had to do beforehand.


It would've been nice to match faces with usernames Unhappy
Was looking out for you; was really hoping you weren't in the park somewhere spending the afternoon looking for us, haha.

Shame though, hope we see you next time!

Anyway, congrats to the winners, sorry about the prizes; will get them sent to you asap!
Oh, it's over already? Who won, ellz, Lee, or someone I didn't expect?
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