special teqiniques for strengthining your beys

hey bladers, i have found multiple ways on how to strengthin your beys.
[align=right] but anyways here are the ways i do these teqniques,

#1-water training-step#1 water training is when you have a bowl full of water and you rip your beys into the bowl of water. Step#2 water training is when you take your beys apart and you put them into the bowl full of water. These teqniques are going to help you get your beys stronger and make you do well in a ternament, but this teqnique is mainly for developing better attack, defense, and stamina.[/color]

#2-smash training-step#1 smash training is to get it’s strength really good, this wouldn’t be the best for getting better stamina, but this will make your bey’s attack and defense amazing, so what you have to do is: for example: rip your beys against hard stuff like wood and poles and anything else that you think will get your bey stonger to rip against. But make sure to have grass near the pole so then when your bey smashes off of the pole, it will land on the grass, if you have a tip that is very special and in mint condition, then use just rubber tips, and I wouldn’t recommend ripping any beys with b:d takara tomy or any other tips that are going to ware down fast, but anyways just use rubber tips on your beys and you shold be fine.

#3-ice training-step#1 ice training is to get your beys more aggressive and to make them really strong. So all you have to do is just rip your bey on the ice and it will make your bey stonger. You should only use rubber tips on your beys with this teqnique, but you could use any other tip but not stamina tips and pointe plastic tips.

Launcher: I recommend using a string laucher for each of these teqniques but you could use any other lancher, but still, I still recommend using a string launcher if you have one. Ok that’s all the training I know for right now but I’ll update this thread when I find new types of training methods. If you have any questions,concerns, or anthing about this thread, just reply or pm me. Remember to vote in my poll. So bladers, what do you think of these special teqniques?
These techniques won't help a Beyblade at all.