screw testing! + MF-H Screw Unicorno 85MF !

i recently got Screw Capricorn 90MF and have been testing both the screw wheel and the MF bottom and the results were incredible! The screw wheel is showing lots of attack potential particularly in smash attack the more bulky part of the screw wheel provides it The slope provides upper attack its even shown to be a match to flame byxis230WD even with a low track!

Here some results with the combo MF-H Screw Unicorno 85MF:
MF-H Screw Unicorno 85MF VS Hell Kerbecs BD145DS (boost mode proving to be a very good defence type!):
Screw: 7 wins
hell kerbecs: 3 wins

MF-H Screw Unicorno 85MF VS MF Earth Bull C145WB (top tier) :
Screw: 8 wins
Earth: 4 wins

MF-H Screw Unicorno 85MF VS Flame Bull 230HS/S :
Screw: 5 wins
Flame: 3 wins

this combo is almost good enough for top tier some of you could test other combos as well i say screw has incredible attack potential it even defeated the game breaking 230 !!!
Wrong place, goes in customization forum.
We already have a topic for Screw tests.