new in melbourne [help!]

hi i just Arrived in melbourne, and i was wondering is there was anywhere where i could buy good blades? if there are any shops or places where i can buy beyblades pls tell me! also does anyone want to meet up (blah im aiming at you Wink] to trad, sell, buy or just chat about beyblades or anything... jeez already bored on first day of holiday Uncertain
You should probably come to the Melbourne Beyblade Championships, but im not sure if this topic requires a thread Uncertain you can buy beys from the usual stores, target k-mart etc,, i would probably save my money for the Melbourne Beyblade champs though, at my local shopping centre all the stores have wave 2 but only big-w has wave 3
If you can't buy from the internet I would suggest saving some money for the Vic championships and getting some beys there. Otherwise as hammer said; Kmart, Big W, Toys R Us, etc.
do any of those sell hell kerbecs? i really need it
check the 'stores with beyblade in stock' thread, located at the beymarket place.
check the 'upcoming event', located at the left of the index page [there is one at dec 10], you can play and blade there.

seriously, look around the forum.
ive checked in the stores with beyblade in stock and no one has said if there is a hell kerbecs in melbourne but i have posted there but i was just asking here since melbourne people will more likely check this out so please i dont want to go looking around stores so will anyone tell me if i can buy a hell kerbecs anywhere? it will be much appreciated
sigh... why cant you be patient? why dont you check around the thread?
This does not require its own thread.