is the poison serpent really a terrible blade?

hi im new here. Smile
it was the first metal fight beyblade i got and still is the only one i have. i did have a driger electronic many years back but i dont have it anymore Unhappy

anyway i was wondering what people think about it. many people think its not a great beyblade and i didn't really know anything about the beyblades when i got it, just got it cos i thought it looked cool. i watched many videos and it loses a lot of the time. or do the people not know how to use it?

also, does switching the track actually make a lot of difference? i don't really notice that much and haven't really battled anyone yet.

also one more question. is launching the beyblade onto a hard marble surface damaging. i notice it bounces a lot when i do but it spins smoothly afterwards. im scared the bottom might become flat
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