hola Im new

my name as you can see is SpinningStriker. My best bey at the moment is Earth Striker UW145WB. my favorite face bolt and energy ring is striker. im new here but am not new to beybladeing. this is all i need to realy tell you, but theres more to me than meets the eye!
Hello and welcome, I hope you enjoy it here! Now.....(laces fingers menacingly) let's start your initiation tests.......
welcome and how did you know that you would like your striker combonation
how did 'i' know 'i' liked the combo? well its my best and so far hasnt lost against my other combos
i make my combos by my favorite type of

energy ring(leone)
what about the tip for your storm leone? i like striker because of its energy ring, and the face bolt cause it matches, earth is a realy good working and looking fusion wheel, UW145 adds to modes one were its used for weaker opponents and one for real challenges and the WB because WD dpesnt work with enough height.
i like leone for that same reason except i like storm metal and leones my favorite