hi im new here

hello im beybattler its nice to meet all of you if you are reading this thank you that means alot to me i already know about the beyblade metal fusion series comeing this spring to canada and this fall to america i actually found out about it as soon as the info was released i just read the rules and dont worry i will try not to spam now im going to make my signature and and set up my avatar and if you need any help with beybattleing tips i know a few i actually practice beybattleing every day i even invented a few tricks of my own and me and my friends even found out about a very hard to learn move that i learned from my science teacher its close to impossible thats why i always practice if you want to know what it is then just let me know the reason why i learned it from my science teacher is because he teaches physical science so he was the only way i could find out if this was actually possible or not and he even pulled it off on the first try and so anyway its nice to meet you all
Welcome to the WBO. Nice to have you. Maybe you can show off a video about those "Beytricks". (BeyHumor!)
(Mar. 04, 2010  12:37 AM)SonicManEXE Wrote: Welcome to the WBO. Nice to have you. Maybe you can show off a video about those "Beytricks". (BeyHumor!)
lol yeah maybe after i get a video camera right now im to busy trying to learn these tricks that my science teacher taught me
Welcome to they site! Love to see those "Beytricks" SonicMan said!
Good intro! Welcome to the WBO!
Wow. About 7 minutes and you already have an avatar and a sig.
(Mar. 04, 2010  12:40 AM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Welcome to they site! Love to see those "Beytricks" SonicMan said!
yeah if i can even learn them i was asking my science teacher if it was scientificly possible and he said yes and he showed me and it actually worked it requires a large amount of torque i was able to do it once but that was after i had alot of mountain dew and that was it
(Mar. 04, 2010  12:42 AM)KidTala Wrote: Good intro! Welcome to the WBO!
thanks and its great to be here
(Mar. 04, 2010  12:42 AM)SonicManEXE Wrote: Wow. About 7 minutes and you already have an avatar and a sig.
yeah is that so shocking or something
Welcome to the WBO! SonicManEXE his been a member since February the 11th. That's a long time for a Avatar and Signature. lol.
Actually, things led me to believe that "beybattler" was "stormpegasus", notably the total lack of punctuation in both of their posts. Things are being managed.