hi =)

hi im new. i got my first beyblade (S Pegasis) from my mom 2months ago as a prize for doing good in school=) We play at an old sink in my school with no rules or whatever. Just launch them all at the same time and clash with each other then see whos still spinning at the end.. it was fun.

here in the Philippines, we only have a few beyblade characters (is that how its called?) having S Pegasis and L Drago as the most expensive. I was overwhelmed to see that there are a lot more beautiful beyblades!!!!

i hope i can learn everything about beyblade here in this community.. starting with whats the difference between a Starter, a booster and just the name - like pegasis - theres strter peg booster peg, s peg, then pegasis, then galaxy... oh and i couldnt keep track! lol

i so wanna buy those that i dont have from dimsum2u but its so hard to pick coz i dont know the diff.. could you guys point me to what i should read first?

welcome to WBO! this place is really cool!
Check out the beywiki for some guidance on what bey you should buy next!
PM me if you need anything!