hey,im new here

im 19,my name is tatsuya and i use to have alot of blades and battled with my friends but i recently lost all my beyblade stuff.i also live in maryland if anyone wanted to know.feel free to message me or post.thanks Joyful_2
Hey, Welcome to the WBO Grin
shame you lost your Beyblading Stuff!
Well you could start off getting the New Metal Fight Beyblades Grin
Anyway, welcome to the WBO. There will be a beyblade tournament hosted near you soon, BTW.
do yo guys know where i can buy beyblade stuff?all i can find is the stupid TT Hongli stuff Unhappy
Welcome to the WBO! Joyful_3 Hope you have fun. Smile
Pretty sure there's at least one or two members in the Maryland area around here ...
Welcome To WBO! Maybe You Can Get Your BeyBlading Things BAck
Welcome to WBO! Be sure to buy lots of MFB before its released to the world! Then you laugh at your friends when they say "Beyblade is back!" and you say "I knew that a year ago." :p
Welcome bro.
Hope you have luck in aquiring new gear!
Hey, Welocme to WBO! Hope you enjoy it here Smile
Well at least now you can start fresh with MFB.
^^agree with the Aqua. Since you unfortunately lost your stuff (i would know, I lost a good 75% of my collection) you can start fresh with the new MFB. It is the greatest excuse to buy new gear.
Welcome! Smile

You should put yourself on the map! ( http://worldbeyblade.org/usermap.php )
A lot of tournaments are run around the world by members of the WBO for each other. If your on the map these tournament organizers will know to get in touch with you if they are doing one in your area!
Welcome to the WBO, you've found a great community!