hey guys

Hey Guys I m from Germany and I have a question to the community(I ve discovered yesterday the new MF Blades.):
Is it sinfull to command MF Blades?Because I heard that they gonna be released in 2010 so I m not sure.
Because personally I think me and my friends will wait the release in Germany or atleast the UK release.
What do you think of this?

(Aug. 31, 2009  4:58 AM)Overschmitz Wrote: Is it sinfull to command MF Blades?Because I heard that they gonna be released in 2010 so I m not sure.


Do you mean to ask if it's bad to import (order) MFB? If so, then no, it's not bad to order MFB. Just make sure to buy them from good, reliable online stores, like the ones listed in this thread.

Well it's up to you, you can get MFB now or wait until next year...
Welcome to the wbo! read the rules thread =D
Hm, I will move this to the "Introduce Yourself" forum so this topic can have more of a purpose ... Because you do what you want, just know that a lot of people have been buying the new beyblades online.

Also, the "Questions & Comments" forum is to be used only for comments or questions concerning this website, not Beyblade.

If your wondering about buying MFB's online, it's a good idea. Waiting till the release in 2010 is fine.
But buying imports now is pretty easy. I just recieved a few orders I bought through ebay. I bought the Pegasis stadium (with starter Pegasis). The L Drago (with launcher), and the Wolf ( with launcher and Bey pointer).
Welcome to the WBO, and I hope you enjoy the site !
Welcome Smile We've got some other German members (a few atleast).
Welcome to WBO, enjoy your time here Smile
sup man this is the game shark spinning up the beyblade world withe my giga dragoon ms (i call it dragoon cyclone because I used a blue sticker for the bit) and I just wanted to say welcome and the first thing you need to know is that My team is always open for new members (because i dont have any) but anyway welcome!
Welcome to the WBO!