hello i am new

hello my name is dustyhomer i live in Prince georges county and my friend jet 2109 were trying to enter tourments i hope to battle with youEee
welcome, enjoy the site Joyful_3
hello im new and I have a question .How do you get those picture on your avatar?
found out already!
(Oct. 09, 2010  5:45 PM)jamestiger Wrote: hello im new and I have a question .How do you get those picture on your avatar?
found out already!
This is disrespectful. This is dustyhomer's introduction, not yours. Make your own topic.
welcome why did you name yourself dusty homer?
hello and welcome to the WBO and im trying to be number1 bey blader so i hope our crosses meet read my sig
i think will i will see you at a tournement at forbiden planet
off topic but does anyone want to join my tourment?
oops thought this welcomed everyone
hi my name is thunder099 and i live in North America in the city of New Orleans