Returning from Australia

Hi guys. So I am 24, I played beyblade when they first came out, really amazing times. Around 60% of people at school played. When the metal series came out, I collected them, and just displayed them, it was sad I was out of school and felt to old for it, I began to just collect the early plastic series of beyblade and I now have a really nice collection. Even since burst has come out it has sparked something inside me and inspired me to get back into the sport, if anyone in Australia has any tournament info, feel free to message me Smile
Hey man, welcome to the WBO!

You are never too old to play Beyblade! ;D It's also great to see somebody from the Plastics era, do you still have your collection? There is actually an Australian community and would recommend checking out the threads (depending on where in Australia you like).

If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me! Smile
Yeh I have a pretty nice plastic era collection and I have a few more on the way, I'll put up some photos when I'm done moving house Smile and thanks I'll have a look on here for other Australians