Question - Do any Tips/Bottoms exist in Metal, Plastic, & Rubber

My 9yo son is doing his very first Science Project and chose to work with the physics of Beyblade.

He wants to compare different Materials of the tips - metal vs plastic vs rubber.

To control for tip-shape, he needs the tips to be shaped the same, but made of different materials.

Do any tips exist in all three materials?

Is RS shaped the same as S with the only variable being the composition? What about RF and F? Do these tips exist in Metal form?

Thanks a ton for any help you can provide. Much appreciated.


Ask a question, get an Answer! thread should help out.
For further reference, use this thread!:
Use this for any questions about the hobby, or how the game works. Smile
Sorry about that.

Thanks for the link. Didn't realize there was a dedicated thread.