Portable BeyStadium?

Anyone have a portable BeyStadium (possibly Hasbro) that they would like to sell? I can send a check, but I'll have to see about paypal. I was going to make my own stadium, but that might be a little bit out there, so if anyone has one, that they are willing to sell, post here.

Tell me the prices and conditions of your stadium, or post a picture.

Thanks in advance!
As far as I know there was only one portable stadium released, at least that it would be reasonably possible to get now, and it was a poor excuse for a stadium. It was also around the same size as the stadiums we have now......you'd be better off buying a proper TT stadium and just being careful with it when you travel. They're not heavy, the only problem with transporting the regular ones is j=making sure you don't sit on them and squash them. :X
(Jun. 04, 2009  4:34 PM)Rocky Wrote: As far as I know there was only one portable stadium released

There were 2 portable stadiums released by Hasbro. The orginal blue and green one and another one released for the EG series which was black and red.
Ooo, forgot about the black and red one. In any case, they were both carp. Confused
(Jun. 04, 2009  6:18 PM)Rocky Wrote: Ooo, forgot about the black and red one. In any case, they were both carp. Confused

True. Though in a way they might've actually been better than the regular Hasbro stadiums.
Should have checked Amazon a while back. They were like $3 + shipping.

This stadium was probably my favorite Hasbro stadium since it prevented KOs (most of the time anyways). It was kind of like a cage battle really.
I don't know how I'd sell you something if you don't have paypal... But I have this stadium to sell you if you outline a feasible way to make the transaction.