Old time Blader

Hey everyone. How are you all doing? My name is Joe and I have recently got back into Beyblading after once playing at least 7 years ago. I used to have a massive collection of original plastic Beyblades. They have since been sold, broken or lost except for a select few. One day I was passing through my local Walmart when I saw the new MFBeys and was immediately reminded of my old hobby. I just had to buy one. I was hooked! The battles involving the new line of Beys are so much more exciting than the old plastic ones. I am excited to be apart of such a passionate and dedicated fanbase and can't wait to be involved in tournaments and meet ups.
Hah, i bought my first HWS too and I am hooked again also! I've bought many Hasbro beys in the past two weeks.
Anyways WELCOME!
Welcome to the WBO!
Welcome to WBO Grin