My previous Identity

Hello everybody! Mysticblade here! ...truth is I lost my account here a long time ago it went by the name of shadowspark720...But now I'm back and less of a noob!Stupid Ciao~
Hi welcome to the WBO.if you need a free sig just ask me
I wish there was more tournaments I lexington,NC
Tournaments are held by volunteers. You can hold one too, as long as there are enough Bladers near you. Anyways, welcome to the WBO! Remember to read the rules to refreash your memory and I truely hope you enjoy it here.

Questions? PM me! I'm here to help!
If you wish to have your old account back, PM a committee member such as Kai-V, and she can help you out.
Welcome back! You can PM me if you need any help.
well then welcome back to the wbo.
Welcome to the WBO. Did you lose your password? There are a few tournaments in NC. They are usually in Goldsboro and one is going to happen tomorrow. There will also be one in Raleigh on the 9th of June. PM me if you want to go to the tournament in Raleigh and I will tell Dark_Mousy or PM Dark_Mousy yourself since the thread is not up.
Welcome to the WBO, if you want ur old account back you can PM the committee and they might retrieve it.