My Comic Boook: Ukumishi and Zero-X

Hey guys/girls if you remember from MFG i said i was making a manga called Ukumishi(you-koo-me-she) well yeah i change the whole plot because i figured that if was base on assassin's it was going to end up like naruto(good at the begining and sucks at the end). The new plot is way better now it would be called Ukumishi(still the same name) but he is like a wereworlf but he's a wereman(man with super human power at night). Ask questions about it

My other project is making a new super hero like Spider-man or Batman. His name is (I ahven't tought of a name yet) but his real name is Kurt J. Johnson
Its about a teenage boy who figures he has super powers and becomes a superhero So i need help on this one i need a best friend for Kurt and a girl that like him, and a superhero name a cool name.
his powers
Atom bomb
super 5 senses
anti gravity
energy beam
sneak peak coming soon
Woah its amazing how much people are making manga here ion WBO I would just like to say good luck! Grin
I'm excited for the first one, but the second i fear will be to clichéd.
i wanted to make a new super hero thats wasn't u know all superhero but like in between i cant draw right now because my hand got stiches in it so i doubt the sneak peek going to come early thou
Ahh i hope you hand gets better, cause i wanna read that Sneak peek!!