Metal Fusion DS help

I've had the Susanow version of the game since release, but I never really played it, well, I started to play it now, and I need help with passwords. On all lists of passwords I find online, there are passwords for all bey parts and beaten all characters, but I can't fit those passwords in the game. Are they real passwords? Is there a requirement I have to meet if they are real?
These are the codes
All parts 123mj11gh28
All characters bre7784erhe
Try looking for the password spot and type it in if you haven't,
Yeah, I did try to put the codes in, the problem is the codes are one character too long. All other codes I've tried are one character less, and work.
Then they must not be real codes. Once I find my D.S. charger I can try to help you, since I have the same game. P.S. Nice avatar.
This really does not require its own thread.