[MI, USA] B-troit Demolition

Poll: Would you like a team and tournament in MI

Total: 100% 32 vote(s)
Team B-troit Demolition . Tell your Friends to sign up for the WBO so we can have enough people for a tournament. Ps I plan for this to be big ! I know a place with tons of beyblade lovers and I will have them all make an account ! At least 24 people total for this tourney !!!
Team Name Idea: The WBO Blade Slashers
thats good what about The Beysts (The Beasts) or Bey troit Demolition / B-troit demolition (Detroit Demolition)
Sweet we got a name do you know anyone else to join or wants to ?
Have a tournament
I just got us a new member. my cousin just customized his blade. Flame Sagitario C145 SF.
i'll join cause i got 19 beyblades and lots of combonations and have won many tournaments and chalanges
Sweet any thoughts on anybody else who wants to join
i've got a friend that loves beyblade but isn't a member
He can still join tell him about wbo though I know a ton of people to join
i will ,um will the people joining this be a team? and I got a stadium but I don't know if it is a attack stadium
it is 18 in. long and has 2 pockets
If enough people join and you have a hasbro stadium
ok so ya i should bring my stadium to the tournament or team practice
We need more people before we think about the team and tournament
I'll try to get my friend to sign up
i can do it i have a attack stadium. i will tell my friends.
sonK to join you need to fill this out
3 Fav beys
And something about you .
Are leader, co leaders, rookie and noob
Burn Fireblaze,Poison Serpent,Earth Virgo
I have 19 beyblades
co leader
hey ive already got a team of 3 people, what about a michigan tournament against other teams in the michigan?
Do you mean a regular team tournament or one that is registered with the WBO ?
That sounds good pm me wbo registered right ?
so we have 5 people wanting to join would that be enough to start the team?
hey im new to blading but im pretty good im from jackson,MI
ok know we have 6 people wanting to join should we start the team?
oh and by the way i have a stadium its the lightning l-drago one i dont know if thats an attack stadium or whatv(the one thats red and black)