MF-H Bakushin BD145RSF/ Backushin

Okay, since little to no testing exists for Bakushin...

MF-H Bakushin Susanow BD145RSF...

I've been experimenting heavily with quasi-attack/ attack/defense hybrids lately, as such I think this (Bakushin) is a very good vehicle for such... It's somewhat stout, good weight distribution/balance (helps with stamina), add a MF-H to make up for the power/(weight in this case) creep that happens in ALL customizable games as time goes by, and a BD145 to boost defense, lower Center of gravity and overall profile, and RSF for versatility, Defensive while able to get movement when needed... the result is a low, bowl shaped Bey that resists smash somewhat well..

MF-H Bakushin Susanow BD145RSF vs MF Beat Lynx GB145R2F
Bakushin 18-25 (saved by the wall several times) -launched banked
Beat 7-25 (2 OS)

Bakushin 72%

Then I decided to try Bakushin with an HF/S tip, which held onto the rim of the stadium really well.

MFH Bakushin Susanow BD145HFS vs MF Beat Lynx GB145R2f

HF mode (banking)
Bakushin 10-10
Beat 0-10

S mode (banking)
Bakushin 8-10
Beat 2-10

Overall Bakushin 90%

MFH Bakushin Susanow BD145RSF vs MF VariAres R145R2F (right spin)
Bakushin 14-20
Vari 6-20

Bakushin 70%

More tests to follow... Also I really hope I don't have to do like 900 videos again like the last combo I presented, so if all you have to contribute is "thats impossible" or some presentation of ill-founded logic based on 9th grade introductory Physics... please REFRAIN unless YOU, YOURSELF have indeed tried THIS EXACT combo, AND can use an RSF like an RF tip, a worn one anyway...

All tests with standard procedures
IIRC there is a Balushin testing thread..
I also remember the combination (or CS) being presented as a better replacement/straight up comparison to the Basalt BD variant by Deikailo, The Problem and Flaming Aries which was directed at the proposed Basalt ban, so these results are completely believable. by the way, VariAres is dual-spin, specify direction.

Edit: those HF/S tests.. I don't even care: that must be some bad launching considering I've seen Beat demolish Basalt BD145CS which is heavy, and though it has more recoil, it has a much more defensively savvy tip.. seriously that is preposterous bro lol.
And RSF?
Still, very intriguing results. As Dan said, CS is usually a better replacement for this combo, but there was never any official testing done on it, so I can't say by how much exactly.

Yeah, you're right Dan. The bakushin testing thread is here: These results should be added to that thread rather than creating a new one.