Looking for people willing to sell HMS.

If you have any spare HMS lying around, and don't want them, please post them here! I can pay through PayPal and you'll need to ship to Australia, just for a heads up. But I only really have a small budget, so please try not to be too expensive! Pinching_eyes
(Jan. 03, 2009  10:57 AM)Mankster Wrote: If you have any spare HMS lying around, and don't want them, please post them here! I can pay through PayPal and you'll need to ship to Australia, just for a heads up. But I only really have a small budget, so please try not to be too expensive! Pinching_eyes
um same here but with shipping to the uk
especially the budget bit
£10 @ most more like £5
I doubt anyone will call you up on this.....I mean people are willing to sell HMS but for a normal price. There's no reason for them to sell cheaply.
yes there is ...
cause me and mankster um need them to be!
draciel09, you're kinda leeching off my topic. >_>

Anyway. I just want to see what people will offer me.
To be honest I'd rather have one topic like this than many. =_= If everybody who wanted cheap beyblades made their own topic then you wouldn't be able to find anything else in the Bey Marketplace forum.
yes i'm sure all of us would love to sell you our incredibly rare HMS Beyblades for less than they are worth
There. I changed the topic title. Now will someone offer?