Konichiwa, Hola, and Hello

Hey everyone theres a new WBO member and thats me Grin.

Beyblade has always been 1 of my favourite games to play I remember when i was about 7 and i was known as the top blader at my elementary school heheh.

Until... heres the kicker I managed to lose all my blades in a span of roughly 3 yrs i still look around for 'em but all I've managed to find was the bit chip for my old wolborg,I still have tht chip to this day.

I digress i hope tht when metal fusion blades hit America I'll find one thats just my style such as Ray Unicorno, anywhoo id like to say hi to all of u and i'd also like you to tell me about your favourite childhood memories of beyblade.

Ray Unicorno out.
Welcome to the WBO!
I have good news, and bad news.
Bad news is, Ray will not be a first release, so you won't see it for awhile unless you ship it.
Good news, it proves to have some moxy, with Quetzalcoatl CH120CS (CS is Ray's bottom.)
That custom was made by ellz, I do believe.
Welcome to the WBO
Thnks for all the welcomes heheh
Welcome my friend Grin
welcome to the WBO