Kamen Rider

(Nov. 06, 2011  10:41 PM)bugturtles Wrote:
(Nov. 06, 2011  5:45 PM)Clonetos Wrote: (then again first rider series watched without it being raw and the audio missynced...)

that's probably why


Gatling gun leg, Chainsaw leg, Pogo-Stick leg, Rocket Launcher leg?

I could totally understand the rocket launcher leg (similar to how a Zaku can be equipped with one from Gundam), but it would make much more sense for the Gatling and Chainsaw weapons to be mounted on the arm instead.

Miu is beyond cute for sure, but I'm sure that alone can't overcome the disappointment I have in Fourze. At least there's always next year? (but that is the exact same thing I said about OOOs near the end)

I liked the gimmicks and belts of Decade (say what you will about it's chopped-to-pieces-and-put-back-together storyline) and W the best. <3
I hope that isnt a bad thing ill tell you I tried TRIED to find Den-O i wanted to see Den-O so bad T-T but fourze is an ok kamen rider give him a chance
Hey guys Im thinking about getting a kamen rider belt uh which one is a fan favorite o.o
(Nov. 16, 2011  3:25 PM)Clonetos Wrote: Hey guys Im thinking about getting a kamen rider belt uh which one is a fan favorite o.o

kabuto zecter seems pretty popular. i have a few belts but my favourite is still the kaixa driver

(Nov. 16, 2011  3:36 PM)Tokyo boyy Wrote:
(Nov. 16, 2011  3:25 PM)Clonetos Wrote: Hey guys Im thinking about getting a kamen rider belt uh which one is a fan favorite o.o

kabuto zecter seems pretty popular. i have a few belts but my favourite is still the kaixa driver
I can barely find one they are either sold out discontinued or back ordered and whats worse is saving up for them AUGH but then again wanting them made here would be bad cause look at ryu-I mean dragon knight....yeah Gah Kamen Rider Y must belts be awesome?
i like decadrive from KR drive Grin it's so cool when you insert the card with your own style XD
I wouldn't recommend the DecaDriver, though. You can put all the GanbarideCardass cards you want, all you'll either get is "KAMEN RIDE: [Insert Rider Name here]" or "ATTACK RIDE: [Insert Rider Name here]", and anything above Decade or any other side Riders (like Knight or Kaixa) won't work. You'll just get the generic sound.

One of my personal favorites are the Double Belts except the Accel Driver. But I think the OOOs Driver will be the most fun because of the mix and matching with Medals over a total of 8 DX memories (excluding the ones from the Complete Selection, since they don't work on the belts, and the DX T2 Joker Memory).

Anything before Decade, I'd say...555 Belts (Faiz, Kaixa, etc.), Den-O Belt (not Zeronos, not a fan), or the Kiva Belt (not Dark Kiva, which is essentially the same as the Kiva Belt).
W Belt is really cool, especially with Fang and everything, hah.
Oh shoot, I forgot about Fang. I was thinking mainly of Cyclone, Joker, Heat, Luna, Metal, Trigger, Skull, and Eternal.

Oh yeah, Clonetos, if you want the DX Double Driver, be advised that Metal and Trigger only come with the DX Metal Shaft and DX Trigger Magnum respectively. You get Eternal from the one-sided DX Lost Driver, which goes well with the Skull Memory that you get only from the DX Skull Driver. You can probably get these DX Memories loose somewhere, but don't confuse them with the Sound Memories; those work with the driver, but don't come with the awesome lights the DX ones have.
Well I was thinking of getting the OOOs belt or fourze maybe Den-O cause it got me into the rider hole GAH what i give to do a henshin
(Nov. 17, 2011  7:54 AM)Clonetos Wrote: http://plamoya.com/en/transform-belt-dx-...l?cPath=39 is it worth it? also this site legit?

it is legit but im not sure if its worth it depends on you. i got mine for $75 Pinching_eyes_2 quite a while ago
Personally, my favorite TV-series belt would be the Decadriver, I'd actually go with that. Design is a bit bulky, but not too "busy". Color scheme is very minimalist, nothing too fancy yet not too bland (maybe due to its size?).

I'd love to have a Kamen Rider 1 Deluxe belt, but they're ridiculously expensive ($300 I believe?). Kamen Rider THE FIRST was the first Kamen Rider ANYTHING that I ever watched. Movie overall was horrible, but the fight scenes were great. The "rebooted" designs of Kamen Rider 1 and 2/Nigo and Ichigo are my favorite Rider design, by far.

I have probably already exclaimed how much I like the Nigo/Ichigo reboot designs, but I don't care. It's just that good. The "Shocker Riders" were equally fantastic. Made the designs of Nigo/Ichigo more "modern" and fearsome. One day I'll get a replica 1:1 helmet.
(Nov. 18, 2011  2:55 AM)bugturtles Wrote: One day I'll get a replica 1:1 helmet.

Thinking of doing that, but with a Sentai helmet. Gonna get the AbareKiller/White Dino Thunder Ranger helmet and wear it around with my usual tuxedo-like attire of white, black, and red.
do they ever sell 1:1 helmet?i bever found the helmet got auctioned or elsewhere..YJA ..i havent checked.. XD
but..anyone own 1:1 helmet is surely very proud...
I actually know a user in some Tokusatsu communities that do make these helmets for profit. They are usually expensive because they are close replicas to the originals.
I kinda wish i hadnt fallen into the rider hole but im glad i did i was missing out. The belts are way wAAY better than any sentai transformation device and they dont need mechas to be cool!
(Nov. 18, 2011  8:26 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: I actually know a user in some Tokusatsu communities that do make these helmets for profit. They are usually expensive because they are close replicas to the originals.

they made it?i mean not the real helmet used in the scene?hahah
how expensive they can get?

did the helmet come with the suit and gear?haha
i think a replica Kick Hopper suit with helmet sold for a price approaching $1000 =/ (edit: could be wrong though)

if i was presented a choice between THE FIRST or a Kick Hopper helmet, i'm not sure which i'd choose.. both are pretty fearsome and grasshopper based (original kamen riders based off of grasshoppers and other bugs)
Yeah, the helmets the guy I know sells are usually...around $200 to $400 average. Depends on how detailed they are. Also, be wary about sizing, because you don't want to buy it, pay, get it shipped, and not fit your head.
they custom made it...are their works looks the same as in the series actually?
i would pay crazy to own epic TATOBA suit.. Eee
Switch On!! PV

OMFG SHE LOOKS LIKE ANKH! Seriously, I just saw the preview in my Facebook, and I clicked it. Anna Tsuchiya has Ryousuke Miura's (aka Ankh) droopy eyes, only with make-up. And though her hairstyle is curly and all, she TOTALLY looks like Ankh with it. I was dying so hard, I didn't know what to think.

But regardless, I HAVE to cover this song.

(Nov. 19, 2011  8:02 AM)Kaji Motomiya Wrote: Switch On!! PV

OMFG SHE LOOKS LIKE ANKH! Seriously, I just saw the preview in my Facebook, and I clicked it. Anna Tsuchiya has Ryousuke Miura's (aka Ankh) droopy eyes, only with make-up. And though her hairstyle is curly and all, she TOTALLY looks like Ankh with it. I was dying so hard, I didn't know what to think.

But regardless, I HAVE to cover this song.


a whole buncha sentai helments but no kamen rider...not that its bad it looks awesome very well made
Hunh, they must've taken 'em out. You could always go on eBay.
Ok i have seen OOOs and i like it a wee bit more than fourze now as for the show im on 9 gotta watch it also i have to say Ankh has cool hair I mean seriously I want that hairstyle
I'll give Fourze up to episode 16 until I give up on it. Seriously.

this is all decade's fault