June 27, LBI New Jersey Tournament Battle on the Bay

OK New Jersey people. You wanted a tournament and what better place to have it then on Long Beach Island. I will be in the Harvey Ceders area of Long Beach Island and will be hosting a tournament. The only thing we need is 8 people to blade. i'll have no less then 4 with me to get this event rolling, all I need to know is who else will be there. Please only respond if you can commit to coming. here's the details:

Location: Atrium Sunset Park, Harvey Ceders, LBI, N.J.
Date and time: June 27th registration at 11am Start time at 12.
Rain date: June 28th registration 11am Start time at 12.
Format: based on participants
Prizes: A beautiful day at the beach!!!!

Let me know as soon as you can if you can make it so I can set this up in time.


So is there any interest?
Im in philly i wouldve gone but i didnt see it till today