[Indonesia] KasKus Indonesia Beyblade Team

Hi! Welcome to the KasKus Indonesia Beyblade Team! This team was started in the largest indonesian community(KASKUS). You are welcome to join this team when you passed the requirements needed.
- Indonesian Citizen
- A member of KASKUS| link: www.kaskus.us
- WBO member

So, sign up now on the KasKus team and be the champion of the game!
Each of the member will be assessed according to their experience and their skills.

#1 FARRAS1702 (Captain1)
#2 fast(fadhy) (Commander1)
#3 terserah (Member)
#4 bayu937 (Commander2)
#5 aedyet (Manager)
Open Recruitment!
terserah added to member list
#bayu937: sorry but you should use english in wbo, btw your add... this kaskus team will be apart of the shadow nova team squad...
joined,,,,make your beyblade strong and defeat all enemies......good luck to all...