I'm 7 years old and LOVE BeyBlades...looking for contests in NJ

Hi, I am looking to find out more information on BeyBlade tournaments in the central Jersey Area. I'm new to this forum but LOVE BeyBlades. Thanks
Welcome to the WBO!!
Welcome to the WBO and use the North America section for the tourney. There are a few NJ threads. Here, look at all of them> http://worldbeyblade.org/search.php?acti...order=desc
Thanks for the reply...I appreciate it. Stupid
Welcome To The WBO!
Welcome to the WBO!
And your 7 years old,
I can't remember if I could turn on a Computer at that age.
Welcome to WBO!
Hope the information will help you on beyblade!
DELETED. Sorry... I'm such an Idiot.