Hi there

I'm new to WBO, I used to own several beyblades a couple of years ago,
but recently after watching the classic first season I'm really into it again.

I want to get started, but I'm starting from scratch.

So I'd like some advice on what's out there nowadays(I'm only familiar with the original classics nothing else was out back then)

And what is good beyblade to start with(or combination),

Recently heard about new MF blades comming out 2010? What's up with that?

So far i've always liked endurance and zombie combat(Wolborg was my all time favorite from the classics) seconds place Dranzer F.

Help and Advice is welcome!
Welcome to the WBO. Read this article it may help to answer your questions Grin
Welcome to the WBO!

Metal Fight Beyblades were already released in Japan in August 2008. They will be released everywhere else by Hasbro in Spring 2010. Most people here now use MFB. I suggest that you should start out with that, unless you want to wait until Habro releases them in 2010, or collect some more plastics/HMS first.
Welcome to the WBO!
welcome :3
hope you have fun!
allo kugutsu welcome to WBO : )
Hi and welcome to wbo. Wink