
Hi, I just bought a Lightning L Drago because a mate of mine was interested in the construction of the current era bbq'd. I chose it because it reminded me of my first, dragoon f. I really loved bey when it first came out in Australia, but lost interest after the crappy G series and didn't care much for hasblows metal quality in the ms series. But I was very impressed, the metal looks and feels far sturdier, the lack of intergrated plastic and screw system also impressed me. So, I got interested in playing again and here I am.
Welcome to the WBO!
Read Kai-V's message to you!
Your in Aus? So am I! What state do you live in?

Edit; Sorry I forgot to give you a cookie.
*Hands out big choc chip cookie*
welcome to the awesome site of wbo. have fun while you're still here and please obey the rules and regulations. If you're happened to be in Malaysia for a vacation, pm me and we will have an awesome bey battle you've ever had.XD
Hope you enjoy the WBO