Hey all.

Just got back into beyblading. Stopped at the release of the hard metal system beys. I was impressed with the new customization options and quality of the beyblades. Im looking to get into as many tournaments as possible in the SC/GA region. I feel that tournaments is the best way the test your beyblade strategy, seeing as how that is where you will face numerous styles that have had decent thought put behind them.

Im also looking for a team, if they exist. Having a group of experienced beyblades to bounce ideas off of is always good.

I hope this gets read and that I have a great time with the WBO.
Welcome to the WBO!!!
Enjoy your time here. Don't forget to read the rules...
Welcome to the World Beyblade Organization!
Enjoy your time here. Grin
Also refer to the http://worldbeyblade.org/Forum-North-America forum to join a team and look for tournaments in the making. Welcome to the WBO!