Hello my name is Josh

Well I'm a blader from Monrovia, California the only blader that I know of
I'm a student in the illustrious community college of Pasadena, California.
Right now I just want to make more friends that are bladers. So uh to start, what are your favorite beys? My top five are:
5) Meteo L Drago LW105LF
4) Storm Pegasis 105RF
3) Burn Fireblaze 135MS
2) Storm Capricorn M145Q
1) Earth Virgo GB145BS
as you can see I'm a big fan of Attack-types and Stamina-types
Hi my name is masterjohn but u could call me mj for short. oh my fav beys are flame libra t125, flame sagitario c145st earth eagle 145wd flamebyxiys 230 wd ray unicorno d125 cs and blitz unicorno 105 srf and once again hi
Hi and welcome to the WBO! XD My favorite bey mf is Galaxy Pegasis Eee Enjoy the forum Smile
Welcome! and Enjoy the site
welcome to the wbo bladerjosh1994 Smile