Hello, beybladers

My name is OptimusPrime and I've been a fan of Hasbro for all my life. I used to collect Zoids when because my childhood friends expressed an interest for them. Zoids didn't last forever, so I started collected Transformers. I would go to comic con every year to see Hasbro's booth and their newest toys. One day, one of my friends brought a case of Beyblades to school and started battling with his friends. He wouldn't let me play with him, so I bought several Beyblades and a Pegasus thunder whip stadium. I liked watching my Beyblades repelling each other. Then I saw the TV show and got hooked by the storyline. I never stopped watching it since.
Welcome to the WBO!
What kind of beys do you have?
BTW Thunder Whip is really bad for attack types.
Heyy! Welcome to WBO! Smile Same here I like watching beyblade!