Hello WBO !

Hi, i'm Eugene, and i'm a blader since i've got 12 years. I'm from Québec in Canada, and i'm playing Beyblade so much. I think the best beyblades was the Beyblade Metal Fusion beys, and the best at all was Poison Serpent SW145 SD with is saw design. I'm playing beyblade almost in all my free times and where i elaborate new combos ! I've never playing any tournament, i just played alone every time. I'm a real Geek of Beys !Wink
Welcome to the WBO! Have FUN!Grin
Make sure to read and follow the rules in the message Kai-V sent you!Smile
Welcome to the WBO!!!!! If u have any beyblade related questions, feel free to PM me Joyful_3.
Greetings! Hope you enjoy your stay, and also ask around there might be people around you who might beyblade with you! Grin