HIGH PARK THROWDOWN - Toronto Beyblade tournament! (July 19th, 2009 - RESCHEDULED)


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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[Image: highparkthrowdownlogov2.png]

High Park (map) - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Sunday, July 19th, 2009 - 1PM
(originally slated for Saturday, July 18th)

Calling all Toronto area Bladers! Come join Khel, Blue, and I as we host the first Beyblade tournament in Toronto in years (outside of Anime North haha)! Keep checking back here for more details as they become available!

We're hoping that we can create some sort of Toronto Beyclub, with HPT being the first event. Assuming we have enough attendees, this will be an official WBO tournament, so make sure to get your Blader Passport if you haven't done so already! And of course, we'll do some ranked and free battles in between everything. Oh, and there will be some prizes!

If you're interested, please let us know here so we can start building an attendance list. Hope to see you there!

[Image: tornamentgrounds.jpg]
[Image: tornamentgrounds1.jpg]
On the day of the tournament, all of us will be meeting at the Bloor entrance of High Park at 1pm (as shown on the map here) and we'll walk to the location. Anybody who shows up a little late can just use the map and pictures to find their way.

If you think there is a possibility of you getting lost or anything else coming up, PM Khel right now to get his cell number.

Attendance List:
Minion + other friends possibly

Possible Attendees:

EDIT 7/19/09: The tournament is over! Thanks to everyone who showed up! Keep an eye out for details on our next gathering.

Final Standings!
1st Place: kool-kid9980
2nd Place: Kei
3rd Place: Khel
4th Place: Minion

Need-to-Know Information

1. During Registration, Open Your Account Page

Open your account page on your mobile device (if possible) during registration to help us keep things quick.

2. Arrive On Time

You must arrive by the tournament start time to enter. We cannot add new players to an event once it begins. If you're running late, contact the host.

3. Stay Aware of Your Belongings

We do everything possible to ensure a safe environment, but can't be held responsible for lost or stolen goods. Keep your gear close by!

4. The Tournament Will Last At Least a Few Hours

This event is likely to last at least a few hours. If you can't commit to the entire tournament, you're welcome to come watch and play for fun instead!

5. Listen For Your Username To Be Called

Your name will be called when it's time for your next battle. If you need to leave early or take a break, tell a judge. Missing a match could mean disqualification!

6. Players Must Meet Regional Product Age Restrictions

All players in this event must meet the age restrictions on Beyblade products in their region. TAKARA-TOMY recommends Beyblade for ages 6+. Hasbro recommends Beyblade for ages 8+. Players under these ages may only participate with the permission of their parent/guardian.

7. Players Under 18 Must Be Accompanied by a Parent/Guardian

If you are under 18 years old, a parent/guardian must accompany you and be present for the duration of the event.

8. Contests, Raffles, Gambling, Betting, and Selling Are Prohibited

Advertising the sale of any product or service, as well as posting about any contest, raffle, gambling, or betting on this event page and conducting them at the event without approval by Fighting Spirits Inc. staff is prohibited. Please contact the Organized Play team if you require approval.

9. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

We had a 3 way tie in block B and all those three had stamina... It took so long! [my nap time xP] Then the top two from block B was Minion and i think Khel [not sure on the names, sorry D:] and top 2 in block A was Me and Kei. It was pretty awesome. I would SO definitely do it again!!

P.S Guess who won!

I think 11 or 12?? Dunno.
LOL you won!?

Khel and Kei must be embarrassed ... congratulations, though!

And yeah, that sounds like Double Elimination. I hope you guys had a lot of people, because you're only supposed to use DE if you have like over twenty people.
Lol thanks. I was really surprised. Thought i would be like at the bottom...
SO happy i got LL drago though!
Congrats! Was there any particular combo you noticed a lot of?
(Jul. 19, 2009  10:20 PM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: Lol thanks. I was really surprised. Thought i would be like at the bottom...
SO happy i got LL drago though!

Please take pictures and tell us how it performs!
Sounds like you guys had a good time. Any pics?

And congrats kool-kid! You're probably the first person on WBO to use L. L Drago Smile
Kei placed second, and I'm pretty sure Minion defeated Khel to claim third.
Lol thanks guys. I will try to upload photos and maybe a video on the way it performs.
I think Khel beat Minion.
We got a lot of phootage and im not sure about pics.
For the combos, for the people who had their own beyblade and a wide selection of parts, was a wide range. There was no type really focused on. khel used defense. Minion used stamina. I used defense. Kei sort of hid his combo from me each time. he used attack and a balance.
P.S Leone 105F almost beat me in the finals by Kei!
Congratulations guys! Smile
Glad you had a good time.
Why almost no Attack-types ...
I guess not enough confidence =/
The block I was in was Stamina heavy (I used a Stamina blade too...). Those battles are a cure for insomnia.

(Jul. 19, 2009  10:32 PM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: I think Khel beat Minion.

You may be right, my memory is incredibly hazey (four hour sleep). But didn't you leave before we did that match?
What stadiums were used?
(Jul. 19, 2009  10:38 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: What stadiums were used?

Attack Stadium, and I think Balance (that's the red one right?).
Balance and Attack stadiums.
Quote:But didn't you leave before we did that match?

Lmao no? I was watching them as i was battling Kei! xP

P.S My camera does not have that good of quality for this. I don't know why. I took pics and Anime Conventions and they looked fine. when i take pics of the wheel it gets a bit fuzzy. I'll definitely post up a video of it battling though. PM me what you want LL Drago to battle and i'll make sure i'll give a thorough inspection on the parts.
Warning: I do have a limited suply of parts so if i keep on getting PMs on battles with bey parts i don't have i'll just do it on som of these: Libra D125B, S.Peg 105F, Virgo 145BS and S, Leone 105F.
And Stamina was being used a lot in Attack-stadium? Seriously, KOing in that stadium is so easy ... I'm shocked.
My memory is horrible then.
(Jul. 19, 2009  10:40 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: And Stamina was being used a lot in Attack-stadium? Seriously, KOing in that stadium is so easy ... I'm shocked.

Most of the Stamina battles were Stamina VS. another Stamina blade, or a Stamina VS. a Defense blade. Not much ring outs with those types competing.
Also i need to know. Tell me the modes and witch ones they are since i don't know xP. I'll try checking out the L.L Drago Thread.
(Jul. 19, 2009  10:48 PM)kool-kid9980 Wrote: Also i need to know. Tell me the modes and witch ones they are since i don't know xP. I'll try checking out the L.L Drago Thread.

Upper Mode and Multi-Hit Mode.
first time coming in contact with an HWS.

They're alot smaller than I thought.
Funny that i managed to turn a SB into an F more or less, so i had to buy boosters off kei for the bottoms so I could compete.

Is it me, or is WB a rather aggressive bottom XD
Yes, that's right, his WB was moving in like it was a F. I asked him why. he said His personality transferred into his beyblade xP.
Saying it was dope! Congratulations to cool kid!
and kid in white ram long sleeve shirt (sorry I didn't learn your name Unhappy ) thank you for coming out! Im going to conservatively estimate a >week for a vid to show, Kei's gotta edit. Thank your parents too ahahaha
WB often moves quite fast, actually.
How many people showed up? And congratulations Kool Kid!
Didnt really adhere to the tornado ridge
Either a Pseudo-Attack type. or a suicide type. take your pick.

Impressed with the stamina on FS, wow.